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The next couple of weeks went by fast, Yani was still focusing on opening her dance studio.

She was hanging paintings and setting up the lobby when the door chimed and in walked Nikki.

"Hey.." Nikki said

"Hello.." Yani said seeming shocked.

"Can we talk?"

"We're talking now, what's up Nik?"

"I just wanted to apologize... I'm happy that you even told me at all. I'm just really going through it. I had some suspicion of him cheating but when you told me I didn't want to believe it... i shouldn't have spazzed on you, you had no clue... and I'm not going to put our friendship down the drain because of a Nigga. I really miss and love you and need you now that the baby is coming soon.."

"I get it, but I was trying to be real with you. I get that I should've told you way sooner but I was under the influence and was just busy at the moment.."

"You forgive me?"

"Yeah I forgive you , just control your emotions" Yani laughed.

Nikki grabbed Yani by her arm and sat down. "So spill it, how are things?"

"Well I'm sure you know Kado and I are a couple... but there's something I haven't told you..."

"What you waiting on? Jesus to come back? Spill it!"

"Well, you'll be a g mommy soon"

"You're pregnant!!!" Nikki hugged Yani and let out a tear. "How'd it happen, well I know how it happened, but gimme details queen!"

Yani filled Nikki in on what she missed and the two chopped it up for almost 2 hours.

Kado was at his office trying to get more information on Rome. He wasn't going for the bitch shit and wanted Rome to disappear. He had two women in his life to look after and wouldn't risk their lives for anything.

"Yo why don't you just ask Yani some shit about him... maybe even use her as bait to get him?" Squeak said

"Hell no. She don't need to be involved in this, I'll go guns blazing in a shoot out before I use her to get to him."

"Damn bruh. Yo ass fr in love. But you know that nigga laying low but got eyes all over Yani... that's who you should look for... the mf who gonna reel her into him."

"She don't even fuck with ppl like that... that's not what I gotta worry about. As soon as I find him, ain't gon be no more looking for shit" Kado said

"Well we got Double 0 on it so she should be straight. Ima go to the streets and see if i can gain some info."

"Aight bro, One." Kado said and shook hands with Squeak

It was 5 pm and Yani was still setting up her studio, although she was pregnant she still wanted to pursue her dream of being a dance instructor for women of all sizes, shapes, and ages.

Nikki was still there helping her and just talking about the old days...

"Who would've thought we would be pregnant at the same time." Nikki said

"Who knew, I didn't even plan it. This was all Kado's doing"

"Speaking of him, how is he? I know he probably on edge since his run in with Rome." Nikki said

"Huh? How'd you know about that?"

"Oh uh, Chris told me, he told me y'all were looking for him."

"Oh... well. Kado is, he won't let me get involved... but hopefully he can just let me and him go."

"You wish.." Nikki said rubbing her belly..

Takeaway: Ladies, if you have a problem with your man... ask him! blame him! He knew about y'all relationship, maybe she didn't. If a BOY can't respect your relationship, let him go. No MAN will put a woman in any circumstance to fight or feel insecure about their relationship. 💯

Y'all think Nikki is genuine??
Should Kado at least ask Yani about Rome and his whereabouts?
Girl or boy???💗💙

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