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Yani had just woken up and her head was pounding from last night. She looked to her right and saw that Rome was gone.
She carefully got up and looked around their apartment and to her surprise he wasn't there.
Without hesitation Yani threw on a pair of jeans and a pair of sandals. She grabbed her keys and the bags she had packed last night and sped walk to her car.
After putting her bags in the car she turned the key in the ignition and sped off.

15 minutes later Yani pulled up to her best friend, Nikki's house. Her and Nikki had known each other ever since they were in diapers. They both grew up in the orphanage.
She put her car in park and ran up to Nikki's door and started ringing the doorbell like crazy.
After about 2 minutes Nikki finally came to the door and when she opened it, Yani had ran in.

"Girl what the hell is wrong with you!? Oh my God look at your face!" She said holding Yani's head up.

"I can't stay there anymore! I'm done with Rome's ass. He raped me and beat my ass last night! All because HE was in the wrong!" Yani screamed as tears fell.

"Hold on, calm down. Let me get you some ice Yan" Nikki said running to her kitchen.

Nikki's boyfriend Chris came down the steps wiping his eyes, "Yo, wtf is going on down here?" He said

Chris and Nikki been together for 5 years, throughout Chris' cheating, Nikki stayed. Chris was about 6'4", lightskin, and had a low cut with a full grown beard. Chris was also part owner of the most feared cartel. He was fine ass hell, but Yani would never cross that line. She had way too many problems and having an affair with her best friends man was something she didn't need to add.

"Rome put his hands on Yani again, she needs a place to stay" Nikki said as she brought the ice to Yani

He sighed, "Is Yani forreal this time? Last time she came over here saying she was done, they got back together 2 days later."

"I'm serious this time! He threw me into a wall and raped me Chris." Yani said crying

"He did WHAT?! Lil sis you gotta let me beat his ass." Chris said

Yani just shrugged her shoulders. Giving Rome an ass whooping wouldn't do shit but get her an ass whooping in return.

"Can I stay here?" Yani asked Nikki
"Of cour-"
"No, hell no. Look I love you like a sister, but me and Nikki just found out some shit and we don't need no problems coming here. I would kill that nigga." Chris said with a serious face

"Wait what? What going on?" Yani asked
Nikki sighed and sat down next to Yani, "Yani I'm pregnant, about 8 weeks."
Yani's face lightened up, "congratulations! Why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

"Well i wanted to tell you last night, but you didn't answer the phone."

"Look, I can pull a few strings and get you a place to stay at on the east side while you get on your feet. I don't think Rome would find you there. But you'd have to find a new job, cut off all ties. So that he wouldn't be able to track you down. At least gimme some time to figure out what I would do about this." Chris said

"Yes, anything! I just can't do this anymore." Yani said.

"Aight lemme make a few calls." Chris said going back upstairs.

"I hope you're serious this time Yani. And I really hope that you can see now that Rome ain't never been good for you." She said rubbing Yani's back.

"I am Nikki, he's hurt me for the last time. I can't keep putting up with his shit."

"Good, now lets get you cleaned up."

Chris was on the phone with his best friend Kado upstairs while Nikki and Yani were downstairs getting her cleaned up.

"Yo Kado, I got a issue man. My girl friend need a place to stay, and I know I gave you the place to stay in til yo crib was ready, but shorty need a place to stay for a few nights til she find her own shit" He said

Kado sighed, "You know this girl? You know I can't have just anybody in my shit. You talking about some roommate type shit?!" He said

"Yeah bruh, her ex nigga was beating on her and shit. Look, Nikki ass ain't gon let me get any rest of her lil friend ain't straight. Do me this one favor."

"Mannnn, I guess she can stay... damn. When she coming?"

"Well, she over here now.. so probably in a hour or two."

"Aight, lemme clean up the place or some shit. Since you just turned this shit into the Holiday Inn. Is that all you want?" He said sounding annoyed

"That's it for now bruh, but if that nigga cause more issues, we gotta dead the shit."

"Aight... just call me when y'all here."

"One" Chris said ending the call.

He went back downstairs and found Nikki and Yani talking.

"Good news, my homie said it was cool. Y'all gone be roommates til his crib finished being built." He said

"Thank you thank you! Wait who is this friend?" Yani exclaimed

"Kado." Chris said

"He ain't crazy is he?" Yani asked

"Man Kado cool, is you ready?" Chris said

"Uh.. yeah. I'm following y'all there?"

"Yeah, Nikki go put on some clothes so we can go."

Yani sat in her car and waited on Chris and Nikki to come out.
After 10 minutes, they were exiting the house and getting into their Jeep. They pulled off and Yani followed them in her Range Rover.

After 30 minutes, they pulled up to a 2 story house. Yani's eyes widened. She wasn't from the hood, but she had never lived in anything but an apartment or condo.
They pulled into the driveway and Kado came outside to meet them. Yani got out of the car and looked at the house in amazement.

Chris went over to Kado and dapped him up while Nikki went to help Yani with her bags.
"What's up bruh." Chris said
"What up. That's her?" He said looking at Yani
"Yeah bruh, look my bad, but she was in a tough spot"
Kado wasn't even listening to Chris. He was too busy observing Yani. She was about 5'1", caramel skin, and was thick in all the right places. Kado licked his thick pink lips and crossed his arms.

"So what's the deal with her?"
"Like I told you bruh, her ex nigga was beating on her, they got into it bad last night and she say she done with em"
Kado thought, I was raised to never put his hand on a woman. She was so damn beautiful. How could ole dude even raise a hand to her? He saw she was struggling with her luggage and went over to help.

"Lemme get that for you Ma" He said grabbing the luggage from the trunk.
"Thank you, and thank you for letting me stay here.." She said looking down.
He stared at her and thought Damn, she pretty Asf.

"Hello?" She said
"My bad, I was thinking about something. I'm Kado." He said holding his hand out
She hesitated, "I.. I'm"
"It's okay Ma, I ain't shit like your old dude.. We just roomies, don't be shy"
She glared at Chris because he had told Kado her business. "I'm Yanelle, but everyone calls me Yani."
"That's a nice name" Kado said..
"Thank you" Yani said as she walked off toward the house
Kado watched her and thought, Damn... I'm starting to like the idea of a roomie.

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