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When Sigyn awoke, the first thing she felt was a small rush of joy, as the events of the night before rushed back to her in perfect clarity, eliciting a satisfied smile to light up her face. Of course, she had been in dalliances in the past, calling girls and boys to her room for a night of fun, but never had she been physically in love with her lover, and never had she felt such affection towards someone sharing her bed in such a way. And never had she leant further into the naked body beside her, who's arm was tightly wound around her torso.

She heard a small groan just behind her, as Loki buried his head in her shoulder and gave it a little nip as a greeting. Whilst her neck was scattered with blue and purple marks from where he had his wicked way with her, and possibly her stomach, legs and breasts too, Loki's neck was covered with pink and orange marks, standing out clearly from the blue of his skin.

His hand began tracing gentle patterns on her abdomen, pulling her a little closer to him so he could feel Sigyn's comforting body heat, contrasting his cool.

"Your brother's going to kill me." He gave a small chuckle, and kissed just below her jawline.

"I wouldn't let that happen love." He said, shifting so he was rested slightly above her, staring down upon the naked beauty which had shared herself with him just the night prior.

He leand down and captured his lips in hers, feeling Sigyn respond instantly by wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him atop her. Loki began to kiss her jawline, peppering them with little butterfly kisses, and was about to move to her neck, her pulse in sight, when a knock on the door drew them from their little world. Loki sighed and flopped to the side of her.

"Who is it?"

"The god of thunder and the Asgardian army, who do you think?" Amora replied sarcastically, letting satire drip from every syllable.

"Well tell him to bugger off I'm busy." Sigyn said, turning towards Loki and giving him a sly smile which he returned in kin.

"No can do, he has breakfast." Sigyn gave an excited gasp, sitting up and almost sprinting to the door before being pulled back under the covers by Loki.

"Love, you are still no less naked." He whispered, wrapping his arms back around her waist. Sigyn just rolled her eyes and made a hand gesture to the door, which promptly unlocked.

Amora walked in, carefully balancing two trays full of food with goblets of juice on them. She made her way towards the table at the end of the bed, placing them gently down. Of course the bed was still concealed by the curtains which had been replaced since Loki's last panic attack.

They heard the rustling behind the silk sheets, as Amora fussed with this and that, trying to get the trays balancing properly on the small table so that they wouldn't fall, before the curtains started to shuffle to the side. slowly, a beam of light illuminated the relative dark they had been sitting in, Amora casting a long shaddow on the pair still lazily lounging on the bed.

She finished pulling away the curtains and cast them a glance, before simulating a vomiting sound and dramatically lurching to the side, sheilding her eyes from the view of the two of them entangled beneath the blankets.

"Oh come on Amora we're just hugging." Another fake wretch. Dear gods she loved her dramatics didn't she.

"With all due respect, I was hoping to not see any breasts this morning." Sigyn giggled and snuggled further into Loki, who was watching the whole scene with a somewhat amused smile twitching at the corner of his mouth.

"They are quite lovely." Sigyn heard Loki whisper, bringing his head into her shoulder and relaxing there.

"I know." Sigyn replied, earning her a little nip on the shoulder making her yelp.

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