Thank You

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Loki awoke with an incredible headache which seemed determined to split his skull, throbbing and everlasting. He wasn't sure where he was, realm or room for that matter, but for some reason he felt more at ease than usual and somewhat less cold, which given his biology was extremely rare especially due to the recent starvation which he had suffered. He tried to shift slightly only to find that there was some sort of weight rested upon him, not in an imposing manner, but still noticeable. Loki opened his eyes and was greeted by an array of green and blue cloths interweaving above his head creating a sort of canopy. Little spots had been neglected however, and small pricks of light came through, creating the illusion of stars above his head.

Loki felt his mouth twitch upwards slightly, enjoying simply looking at the canopy above his head. He sighed and turned to the side, being greeted by more green and blue material, shielding him from whatever lay behind it. He tried sitting up only to feel a tugging in his abdomen.

Shuffling above the sheets, he saw a scar stretching from just below his trouser line to his ribs which seemed to have been burnt in order to seal it. Perhaps that was what the infernal pain was from yesterday. He couldn't quite remember what happened, just pain, then waking and ending up in a corner. He had hidden himself and the healer had left him alone till two women came in and one of them had talked to him-

Wait, she had seen him.

Whilst he was in an illusion, hiding himself from the outside world she had looked at him as clearly as if he had not been disguised. He knew that the spell had worked, the healer and other woman were shocked when he had revealed himself, and yet, that woman.

The woman who has sat on the throne above him, draped in gold and teal, who had thrown off his mouthguard and commanded that he should be instantly seen to, who had looked upon Odin in pure disgust, who had somehow managed to completely calm him to a sleep, a queen, holding someone who would have been seen as a rat. He had told her his name and yet here he was, in a bed rather than back in the dungeons of Asgard.

A door opened to his left, unseen due to the curtains which surrounded the bed. Two sets of footsteps were distinguishable, one with heeled shoes and one soft, padding pair, possibly with leather boots, the soft footsteps first then heels followed.

"Should I wake him my lady?" This voice was foreign to him, one that he barely recognised but not enough to put a face to.

"No Amora, leave him to rest," That voice he recognised. It was the one who had convinced him from the corner, sweet to him and others, but still capable of venom as he had heard within Odin's presence, "He's been through enough."

He heard shuffling of the leather on wooden floors, walking towards where he lay, prompting him to close his eyes and imitate sleep. He felt a breeze as the curtains opened just barely enough to let a small sliver of light in, and yet there was still a shadow, possibly one of the two women.

He heard a gentle sigh where the shadow was, before the curtains were closed once more, leaving him in privacy and almost complete darkness. He could tell the one with the leather boots was pacing because he heard gentle, rhythmic pats along the floor, going from one side of the end of the bed to another.

"What if he doesn't wake up? Or if he has a nightmare? Or if he reacts violently?" The worry in her voice was evident, seeping into every word almost like a virus.

Loki felt somewhat touched that a complete stranger was currently pacing around a room, worried about his wellbeing. Considering it was something not even Odin did, even before Loki tried to invade Midgard, it was odd to hear someone he had barely met somewhat fearful for his wellbeing.

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