Now, we wait.

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Waking up after a full week of laying in bed and simply enjoying each other was a hard thing to do. With the link present and humming constantly between them, even going to the bathroom was too much separation for the two. And being able to feel each other's emotions had proven useful, as it meant Sigyn could wake Loki before his nightmares got too bad, and him with her.

Loki didn't understand why she had a sudden spike in nightmares all of a sudden.

Sure she was nervous with Odin being under the same roof as them, however these nightmares weren't about Odin. Whenever he got brief glimpses of them he mostly saw images of a woman with hair of fire, falling with a sword heavily lodged between her fourth and fifth rib, a cloak billowing around her as her body dropped through the empty space. There was no Odin there, no anything really, just the image of this woman in an unknown location, with an unimaginable anguish flooding him. He didn't even know the woman and yet when he woke he found tears falling upon his face, tears that were not his.

He suspected that it was Sigyn's mother, and when she spoke of how she had moved on from the heartbreak, she was perhaps lying for his wellbeing. Every time he woke her she stared to nowhere for a minute or two, before focusing on what was happening, and her husband who was begging her to respond, only to falsely assure him she was fine and then going back to sleep.

He had tried to ask Amora, but instead of answering she made a disgusted face and shook her head, finding herself unable to speak of it. In fact, even the servants who sometimes delivered breakfast found themselves unable to speak of the previous queen. He wasn't sure if it was because they were prohibited to do so, or that they were too scared.

She had also taken to sleeping behind him, her legs wrapped firmly around his waist and her arms around his shoulders as her chest would lean against his back, almost ensuring her that he was indeed there and indeed safe. It made going to the bathroom very difficult, especially when your wife had the grip of Jörmungandr, refusing to let go unless he assured her that no, he was not going to disappear in the bathroom and never come back. As soon as his body his the covers, there she was again, clinging to him as if her life depended on it.

Not that Loki was complaining, he actually found it quite comforting.

It was just that, even though it may be the effects of the spell, he couldn't help but be worried about her considering how erratic her behaviour had become.

When their sickness had finally worn off, and Amora could tap Sigyn without sending her body into burns, another sickness came, nausea. The pair of them both felt it clawing up their throats as they confronted the thought of having to address the Allfather. He had neither given reason for his visit, and nor did Loki ever think he would. It was one of those things which could not be helped.

Sigyn groaned and buried herself between Loki's shoulder blades as the bed curtain was drawn back and the light filtered through their window, the afternoon sun doing all that it could to wake them. Loki had thanked the Norns that the nights were colder than the mild days, if not he would have found Sigyn's constant presence extremely uncomfortable from the heat which seemed to roll off of her, however that could simply be due to his biology. Sigyn often found herself thankful that she did have his soothing cold, especially on the hot nights.

"Oh come on I do this once, after your sickness, and you're complaining?" Amora quipped from the foot of their bed, where she sheets had bunched up leaving the pair completely naked. Not that she hadn't seen it before.

"Too early." Sigyn said, her words muffled.

"Early? Sigyn its midday."

Sigyn sighed and wrapped her legs tighter around Loki's waist as a protest to getting up, which made a small smile appear on his lips.

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