He doesn't know

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Of course, Loki had decided not to tell everyone that he was the spawn of a race of snowmen at the same time as he had accidentally revealed it to Sigyn, however it was odd not to have him behind her in all her meetings. She found she had less patience with Lord Balinire, ready to snap at him if necessary rather than endure his perpetual whining. She simply wanted to return to her chambers and talk with him, rather than be involved with her court, which she was quickly growing tiresome of their childish bickering and was very much considering using a couple of them as mannequins for target practice.

Her finger tapped upon the table, each time it struck the table another crack emanated from the contact between nail and wood. Although she wasn't actually damaging the table, the sentiment remained.

The council, quickly sensing the queens impatience, had decided perhaps it was best to continue with caution. Though caution was most likely a good idea, it did mean that they took twice as long to deliver daily news simply because they wanted to gauge her reaction and make sure she didn't kill them. This of course, simply made her want to throttle them more.

Such violent thoughts weren't unusual to Sigyn. Of course, she was a queen and was supposed to be a calm leader, however when one watches people die in their dreams every night, such thoughts tend to infect one's mind. Even as a child she was very much able to visualise exactly how she would dispatch of people who would hurt or annoy her. Back then however, she had decided to tell them exactly, in perfect detail, what she would do, making it very hard for people to be comfortable in the little girls presence.

"And, my lady, there is one more matter to address." By his tone, Sigyn was sure that this would possibly be the last, and worst thing, to be said in this meeting today. Save the worst till last, wonderful.

She sighed and sunk slightly lower in her seat. Amora was behind her, waiting to see if she would snap or simply allow them to continue.

"We have received word that we are to have a visitor tomorrow." Lord Balinire said, trying his best to keep his trembling voice somewhat even.

She perked up, somewhat interested. Usually she had to allow visitors in the realm, otherwise they would most likely wind up with an official army escort and a beautiful new pair of iron bracelets.

"And whom exactly is said visitor?"

They all gulped. Oh boy.

Amora stood up behind her, getting ready to open the door should she require a quick exit, already figuring out the rout from the council room to the storage space where the wood dummies were kept. Not to say that she would need them. Not at all.

"Thor, my lady."


Sigyn was completely still, wheels turning in her head trying to figure out exactly what this meant. She felt herself take in a deep, calming breath, before breaking the still silence which had settled over the room.

"Council dismissed."

As she walked out of the room, she saw all in the chamber physically relax, some even resting their head on the ornate wood table. Sigyn didn't have time to care though, she had to tell Loki. She was trying to wrap her head around the whole situation, the sudden announcement of the crown prince of Asgard only just making its way to her the day before he arrived threw her off guard long enough for her council to scatter before what was happening truly sunk in.

She made her way to her room, flanked by Amora who, for some reason was more scared by her comparatively leisurely pace than her usual hard-to-keep-up-with strides.

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