There goes peace

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Even getting Loki near the horse in the first place took a while, and then to convince him to ride her beloved darkness bareback? Well that took even longer.

Sigyn would never admit it, but having Loki's arms wrapped around her waist as she rode bareback on Myrkr through the forest path to her town, both wind and leaves winding in her hair, was the most comforting yet exhilarating thing she had ever done. Myrkr rode almost faster than the beams of light which were raining down of their faces and warming their bodies, faster than the breeze which was rustling the trees and faster than she could draw breath. But not faster than her cries of joy every time the steed jumped over an obstacle.

Every little branch that brushed past her face and made her realise how long it had been since she's gone to town was a comfort, every leaf which floated past was a familiarity. Loki with his arms wrapped around her could feel every muscle in her body both relaxed and completely tense, if such a thing was possible, as she screamed for joy when Myrkr bounded over a particularly large log.

By the time they made it to the settlement, Sigyn had leaves and twigs tangled in her now loose hair, the red curls flying everywhere and truly giving her the appearance of the 'savages in the north' which the romans had learnt to fear. Sigyn was smiling like a mad woman, giddy and missing the way the wind had whipped her cheeks red and her robe a-mock. The townsfolk were used to this wild queen, it was the one who greeted them every time she visited, and so rather than sit back and tut, they gave her a warm greeting and a smile or two.

Some even gave Loki a quick nod of greeting, and one a handshake, something which would never be received in Asgard. Their traditional greeting to an ice giant was a goodbye and a punch to the face.

They padded through the street, well more like dirt road. Of course it wasn't as luxurious as Asgard and of course it wasn't as stately and large, but every house was its own. Each had a different set of flowers, saplings or bushes surrounding it, some were bare. But none of them were lifeless. Little girls and boys were playing on the steps, fellow neighbours greeted each other in a kind manner, some of them stopping to converse, and this was just the outskirts and yet the entire place was teeming with life.

As they saw the queen pass, none bowed or said 'my queen,' no one went quiet and no one shrunk away, in fact most came up to Myrkr and petted him as if they had known him their entire lives, and a little girl with her hands tucked behind her back stopped him dead in his tracks, before removing her hands and revealing an apple for the steed.

As this happened, Sigyn dismounted and landed on the floor in an unceremonial 'oomph,' a smile still gracing her features, before turning her hand towards Loki's and holding it to give him balance to leave the horses back. Loki turned back to the horse and gave him a pet, however the horse seemed too interested in the apples he was being offered by children to take any notice, so Loki followed Sigyn rather than being left sentimental by Myrkr.

As they got closer to the centre, Sigyn got stopped by more people, people who wanted to engage in a friendly chat and thank her for whatever she did the other day to help with the wheat, or for how she had sent more wood, or this improvement or that improvement. And yet for every person that came to thank her, none of them she did not know by name.

As each person came, she called out to them happily and embraced them in a hug, or shook their hand firmly, or for a little boy who came to her with a flower, a kiss on the cheek, and engaged with their banterous chats for about a minute at a time, and yet such a short period was still so intimate between the two people. Loki found himself admiring the way she would make sure to listen to every complaint, even if it wasn't meant to be such. One woman was talking of the cold winter last year and joked about how she had to go out in the snow to hunt, freezing cold, because supplies hadn't arrived to market, and yet as she laughed along with the woman, Loki could see her documenting and remembering every little thing which she could improve upon.

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