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A/N: I think this has got to be the longest chapter yet. I decided to post this cause I finished it and I am so exited for you guys to read this one. We get two important reveals in this chapter and I am so exited to see your reactions. Please comment your reactions if you want. Anyway enjoy!

Edit: I changed the song that Will sang to Nico to "All I want for Christmas is you"

Christmas Break

Ah, Christmas break! The time when kids can go home to their family and open presents on Christmas day. And celebrate New Years when the time comes around. Everyone loves Christmas, as the famous song goes "It's the most wonderful time of the year."

And Leo is what you would call the Grinch of Christmas.

Now, don't get him wrong. He loves Christmas but ever since his parents, he could never find the joy in the special time of the year. But this time he thought that maybe it will be different, like he thought all the years but just to be disappointed at the end.

His friends obviously go to their homes for Christmas break every year so that's why the current situation shocked him.

"You're staying at the school for Christmas break?" Leo asked with his eyes wide. "If you're doing this because I'm here I swear-"

"Leo, it's not because of that" Piper cut him off with a hint irritation in her voice. Leo knew that something must have happened with her dad and stayed quiet. He looked away from Piper to Jason and Calypso who were also staying at school. A few other people Leo knew were also staying at the school.

Calypso's friends Will, Hazel, and Nico were staying as well. Percy told Leo that him and Annabeth were going to a ski lodge, money taken care of by Rachel that was also going with them.

"My mom and her new boyfriend decided to have a romantic getaway and I'm stuck here," Jason explained.

"What about your dad?"

"Says that he is very busy and is going to have to stay here for Christmas. With my stepmom, Hera." Everyone shivered at the thought of Hera.

Hera was the vice principle of the school. But some people seem to think that maybe she was the one behind everything and that Zeus (Jason's dad) was just a puppet. Honestly, Leo doesn't think that it's that farfetched. Anyway, the woman is scary and everyone hates her. Including Jason.

"Oh great, we have to deal with her this Christmas break" Leo twirled the wrench in his hand and motioned Calypso to explain. She just shrugged.

"My dad was never really a fan of Christmas and so we never celebrated it, my mom and sis decided to stay with Grandma for break and I was not," she shook her head to emphasize the not, "looking forward to just watching reruns of tv dramas, so I told them that I'd stay here"

"I'm sure that's not all you would do..." Leo suggested.

"Trust me, it's all she ever wants to do." Calypso huffs in annoyance. "And it's always what she wants" Calypso crossed her arms.

Leo realized when he was at Calypso's house for Thanksgiving break that Calypso and her grandma don't speak much. He already knew that they didn't have a nice relationship so he wasn't surprise. The visit to their home was just confirming it.

Leo turned to Piper.

"Are you going to tell me or not?" Piper sent him a glare which made him raise his hands as if he was surrendering. "Which it is totally fine if you don't want to!" Leo quickly added.

"On the bright side, we get to spend time with you!" Jason said to ease the tension. Which worked because Piper and Calypso quickly had adorned smiles. Leo laughed nervously.

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