Chapter 16-Meeting Drew

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I was going to make a chapter of the boys in Disneyland and stuff but I only made them go to Disneyland because I honestly didn't have any idea on what else to put. Now I have the ending set out and everything soo I'm just going to skip the whole Disneyland part and just start writing from when they're home. I'm sorry if it seems rushed but I already thought out the way this book is going to end. I will try to make the chapters long and less author notes. Anyways, thanks for the awesome feedback. Sorry I don't update that often. Without further a doo. o.o the story....



::Justin Bieber::

"Justin you ready?" Jason called from the door. I was just tying my shoes when he walked in. I nodded and got off the bed. It was a beautiful day out today for a boring Wednesday. The sun was out and their was a few clouds scattered around. The day was plain nice out. Not even school ruined it. Today we were on our way to meet Drew. His guardian whose name we do not know yet, told us we could meet half way. We were going to meet him at a small park across town. I wasn't nervous because it's just a boy, but we don't know the kid or the guardian. My stomach flips and I have a bad feeling of this whole situation. 

Seriously, how did they get Jason's number? They can't ask for it just like that. Plus really. Out of all these years, they choose to come now? Jason and I walked down the stairs and out to our car. Mom was working late and she already knew we were going to the park. We just didn't tell her we were meeting Jason's 'brother'. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" I asked as I strapped myself in the car. My stomach was doing those flips again just thinking of what could happen.

"Jay he's a little kid. He ain't going to do anything. Plus he's a sweet kid." Jason reassured me with a smile. He really loves this kid. How couldn't he? Jason was told he was his brother. I just hope this kid is nice and doesn't end up hurting Jason. He sincerely loves this kid and he really wants to see him. I'm not going to rain on his parade. I'll just support him. I nodded and looked out onto the road. It wasn't going to be a long ride but it wasn't a 15 minute drive either. It's more like a 45 minute ride.

"Stop stressing" Jason broke the silence after a while.

"What?" I asked bewildered. i wasn't saying anything. 

"You're tapping your finger on the side." Jason explained pointing to my finger that was tapping away by the door. It's a habbit I never got over and I really don't know when I'm doing it. It just happens. I stopped abruptly.

"I just have a bad feeling about this." I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. 

"Dammit Justin. Nothing's going to happen to you. I promise." He sighed. I played with the edge of my cast and nodded. Don't know why I'm over the edge. Minutes later we reached our destination. Jason was the first out of the car. He was impatientely waiting for me to get out of the car. Still don't understand how he can walk with that ache he must surely still have around his ankle. 

"He's going to be over there." I reminded him and pointed towards the pond. 

"Right come on." He pulled me towards the place. We sat at a bench and waited. We were probably 10 minutes early?  We talked to pass the time. We talked about anything and everything. Seemed like forever till Drew finally showed up. 



::Third Person's View::

As Justin and Jason sat at the bench and talked about the time Ryan and Chaz asked out the same girl and started bickering on who should keep the chick. A few feet away was a small 12 year old boy talking to a man. They were looking intently at the two twins. "Is that him?" The man asked, almost glaring at Jason. 

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