Chapter 7-He Does Care

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::Justin Bieber::

"Hello this is Dr Gonzalez." The lady on the other side of the phone answered. Dr. Gonzalez. Jason's therapist. The one that knows all his secrets. This is wrong. I shouldn't be doing this. I quickly hung up. We just came back from the hospital an hour ago. Jazzy's taking a nap and Jaxons probably asleep too. I was really looking forward in finding out about Jason's past but I can't bring myself to actually find out. Maybe I should let Jason tell me when he's ready.

I looked over at Jason who was sitting on the couch. "Jason?" I calmly called out. He turned over to look at me questioningly..

"What?" He asked. So far so good.

"Uh. H-how was your past?" I mentally slapped myself for get stuttering. He bit his lip in debate.

"Mind your damn business." He hissed. I sighed. When will I ever find out about his past? Will he ever let me in his life? Will he ever tell me? I got off the couch and started cooking. My mom went to go buy some stuff since it was still early. I think she said something about school supplies.

I started cutting up some tomato while I put some water to boil. I was gonna make some spaghetti. My favorite. I started cutting some garlic and that's when the knife went to far and cut me. I hissed in pain. I've never cut myself . I left my hand under running water trying to stop the blood. "Crap." I muttered once I saw the blood not stopping.

"Justin? What's going on?" I heard Jason ask. He sounded concerned.

"I cut myself and now it won't stop bleeding." I said trying to hold on to it. Jason shook his head and grabbed my hand.

"Idiot." He muttered under his breath. "Hold onto the cut and follow me. Don't try to get blood everywhere." He muttered. I nodded and followed him into the restroom. "Where's the first aid kit?" He asked.

"Under the sink." I told him as I put my finger under running water.

He pulled it out and grabbed and alcohol pad, ointment, and a bandaid. He grabbed my hand and washed it thoroughly. He then wiped the alcohol pad on my cut. I hissed in pain. "Handle it like a...boy." He trailed off. I rolled my eyes at him. He then put some ointment on my cut and then but a bandaid on it. "All better." He shrugged.

"Jason?" I called out. He turned around before he left.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Thanks." I muttered. He nodded awkwardly and walked away. Wow. Jason just helped me? Okay. That may sound mean but. I've only met Jason 3 times and all those times he's hurt me. Now today he was completely calm and helped me. Can this really mean he may let me in?


"Justin. The supplies are on the couch. Go separate them." My mom said as she washed the dishes. Dinner was completed shortly after Jason helped my cut. I grabbed the bag and ran up the stairs to the second living room we hardly go into with an eager Derek behind me.

I opened the bag and dumped in on the coffee table. There's all kinds of supplies a normal highschool student needs. I grabbed all the purple supplies and put it in my purple jacksport backpack. I then put all the blue supplies and handed them to Derek. "Blue?" He questioned. I nodded. "How did your mom know?" He asked.

"It's kinda like a family color." I chuckled.

My grandparents and my father loved the color blue. I love purple on the other hand. He nodded and stuffed it into his backpack. The same as mine but his was blue. I'm sure you figured that out. "When does school start?" He asked nervously.

"2 weeks from now." I said. Schools alright. But I rather stay home. Why couldn't I be homeschooled?

"Oh." He answered.

"Nervous?" I asked with a smirk.

"Pfft no." He said unconvincingly.

"Yeah ok." I chuckled. He flipped me off and sat back on the couch.

"You'll be fine." I reassured him.

"I hope so." He muttered.

School won't be that bad. Jason will do good. Especially with my help. 

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