Chapter 6-All Better

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::Justin Bieber::

I paced back and forth in the living room. It's been 2 days and I haven't seen Jason. Sure I've said those bad things about him. But he's my brother. I want him home. I want to argue with him and take care of Drew. This isn't right. He shouldn't be in the damn hospital! He should have been home yesterday but they wanted to run some more tests on him. He's not some sick science experiement! 

"Justin sweetheart. Please stay still. You're creating a draft." My mom told me. I sighed and pulled at my hairs as I sat down on the couch. We were waiting for an important phone call from dr Chance. He would tells us the results of Jason's tests. He's gonna be fine. I'm sure he is. He's a Bieber. We're fighters. We succeed. Well technically he's a McCann but Bieber by blood. 

Ring. Ring. Ring.

I literally jumped out of my seat but my mom just stopped me and answered the phone. "Dr?" She called into the phone. "Yes dr. Of course." She bit her lip and looked worriedly. "Is that bad?" She asked. What the hell is going on? "Thank you dr." She smiled slightly and hung up.

"What did he say?" I asked jumping up and down slightly on the couch. I need to know. I was anxious. 

"He's gonna be fine Justin. Just had a small seizure. We can pick him up today." She smiled and kissed my cheek. Thank you god!

"I'll go get jazzy and Jaxon." I told her. She nodded. I ran up the stairs and into their play room. "Jazzy. Come on. We're gonna pick up Jason." I told her. I picked up Jaxon.

"He's ok?" She asked. She didn't really know what happened the other day. All she knew was that Jason got sick.

She doesn't really talk to Jason. She spends most of her time talking to Derek and Drew. My god. Derek is sweet with jazzy. But Drew is like her best friend. You wouldn't believe it. Jazzy is a smart kid. She knows whose who. She doesn't even have to look into his eyes. "He's fine jazzy." I smiled.

"Ready?" Mom asked as we got to the living room. I nodded. She grabbed her keys and walked out the house with us following shortly after.

"Mom. How did this happen?" I asked biting my lip. I never actually questioned it. But I wanna know how Jason got Mpd.

"What are you talking about?" She asked as she drove down the street.

"I wanna know how Jason got Mpd." I told her straight out.

"Oh sweetheart. I think Jason should tell you that." She bit her lip nervously. Is it really that bad?

"Mom I want to know from you. Jason would never tell me." I whined.

"Justin. You'll find out when he's ready to speak." She sighed.

"How did you find out?" I asked. Didn't she give Jason up for adoption?

"Justin Drew stop asking questions." She spat. I flinched and stayed quiet. Once we got to the hospital I felt relieved. Mom sighed and pulled up into a parking space. "Justin." She started. But I just shook my head and grabbed jazzy and Jaxon and walked towards the hospital.

"Hello. Can I help you with something." A perky woman in her mid 20's greeted me.

"Yeah I came to see a Jason McCann." I told her. She nodded and typed in his name on the screen.

"Mhmm. He's up on the 5th floor. Room. 512." She smiled. I nodded.

"Thank you." I mumbled. I walked over to the elevators and looked around desperately for some stairs. No luck. I sighed and pressed the button that calls the elevator.


I hopped in the elevator not waiting for my mom. I pressed the button with the number 5 on it. "Justy? Jason coming home?" Jazzy asked. I looked down at her a nodded.

"Yup. I hope he never comes back here again." She nodded in agreement. Gosh I love jazzy. She's to caring.


I got a hold of jazzys hand and walked down the halls looking at the numbers. 509. 510. 511. 512. Aha. I knocked on the door and opened it. Jazzy ran in and went directly to Jason.

"Der!" She yelled excitedly.

"Hey jaz. What's up?" He asked holding her up.

"I missed you Der! Don't leave please!" She pleaded loudly. He chuckled.

"I promise babe. I ain't going anywhere." He kissed her cheek. I smiled at how cute they get a long. My mom soon walked in.

She looked over at me but I just ignored her. I gave Jaxon to Jason and walked out the hospital room when I saw dr chance walk by. Dr chance was his doctor since he was little. He may know his story. "Dr." I called out. He swiftly turned around and looked over at me.

"Uh Justin?" He asked. I nodded.

"Can I ask you something?" I bit my lip. Should I?

"Sure thing son." He gestured for me to continue.

"Dr. Do you know how Jason got Mpd?" I asked. He sighed and shook his head.

"I can't help you son. He doesn't talk about it. He only opened up once and it was to a therapist." He said. I nodded taking all of this in.

"Does this therapist have a number? Address?" I asked him.

"Shouldn't you let Jason tell you this?" He asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. I shook my head.

"Address.?" I questioned. He sighed but wrote something down on a piece of paper then ripped it and gave it to me.

"Here you go. You may not like what you're gonna hear." He said and walked away. 'You may not like what you're gonna hear'

What does he mean by that?


Small chapter. I know. I apologize. 

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