Chapter 14-Time To Be A Big Brother

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::Justin Bieber::

I shut my eyes tightly as my worst nightmare played before me. I felt the butterflies and well my food moving around my stomach, I held on tightly to Jason. Somehow that soothed my fear. "I love you Justin. Always will." Hearing those words come out of my brother's mouth didn't help soothe the panic. I just clung on tighter. I forced my eyes open to see the numbers on the wall changing rapidly. Once it got to floor 4 I shut my eyes and prepared for the worst. The elevator came to an abrupt stop, making Jason and I to jolt apart. "Justin. Are you ok?" He asked worriedly and appeared by my side.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding in. I nodded shakily. I felt my whole body shaking. "Anybody in there?" We heard some deep voices call from the other side of the elevator. "Yeah! We're stuck in here! Get us out!" Jason called and stood up banging on the elevator doors. All this was way to much. The elevator started getting smaller and smaller. The small room wouldn't stop moving. It felt like we were still falling. I know we're not falling but the feeling is still there. I clung onto my stomach. I shut my eyes tightly and laid against the wall. I felt light headed. In all my years of being claustrophobic. I've never experienced this.

"Justin!" I heard Jason call for me. I tried opening my eyes but they were to heavy to open. I felt like I'd vomit if I opened my mouth. I couldn't take this pressure anymore. "Hurry up!" Jason yelled. I winced. I felt his arms wrap around me. "You'll be fine Jay. Stop trembling." I didn't know I was trembling till he pointed it out. "Get us out of here now!" Jason yelled again. I laid my head against his shoulder. I heard Jason sigh in relief.

I suddenly felt a sudden breeze of fresh air. "Get him out of here before he passes out." Jason ordered the men. I felt some arms grab onto me. The picked me up and carried me away from the elevator, "Justy!" I heard Jazzy call out. I snapped my eyes open and blinked to adjust to the light. They laid me on a strecher and 3 paramedics came up to me. They had the oxygen mask with them.

They put it around my head. I looked around desperately for Jason. I saw a man helping him out. He was limping. I ripped the oxygen mask off of me and ran towards him. "Get back here." One of the paramedics yelled after me. I just ignored him and the tingly sensation on my knees. The men sat him down on the sofa that's in the lobby and I sat next to him. He looked up at me and smiled. He's always trying to be strong for me. Even if I just met my brother and I've known him for a short time, I could see it in his eyes and in his doings how much he really loves me. Now it's my turn to be the big brother.

"Jason, why are you limping? Did you break your leg? Was it when it fell? Or when it came to the stop? Are you ok? Does it hurt? Someone get him some help!" I rambled. I heard a raspy chuckle. I felt a hand on my own and small squeeze.

"I'm fine Jay. Probably sprained it." His raspy voice answered me. One of the paramedics came and hooked the oxygen mask around my head again. Another came shortly with some first aid. He sat in front of Jason and examind his foot. He kept asking if his foot hurt in this direction or when he does this. The docotor soon told him he just sprained it. He'll be good as new as soon as he ices it. He had to be in voice rest for a day. From all the screaming he hurt his vocal cords,

"You." The paramedic pointed to me. "You weren't suppose to walk right away. Especially not run. When something happens like that you're suppose to get your composure before you start moving. You're knees could've been weak still and you could've really hurt yourself. I want you both to sit here and drink this can. Once you're done you may leave." The paramedic ordered us and walked away with his crew following behind him. Jazzy and mom came into view.

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