Chapter 1-Oops

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::Justin Bieber::

"Bieber. Bieber. Bieber." I heard Jazzy yelling from the other room. I put Jaxon down in his playpen and walked over to her playroom. Jazzy was my 4 year old sister who loved calling me by my last name. I think it's adorable but it does get quite annoying when she doesn't say anything else but my last name. She knows my first name even my middle name yet she loves calling me by my last name. We share the last name so she can't think it's something strange really.

"What's the matter Jazzy?" I asked. I'm babysitting the two kids while mom goes grocery shopping. It's hard to keep both occupied. Well Jaxon is only 2 and he gets discracted easily but this 4 year old is something different. She smiled sweetly at me and fluttered her eyelashes. I know what;s coming. She only does that when she wants something and right now I kinda have an idea by the looks of it.

"Play barbies?" She asked excitedly. I inwardly groaned. I knew it. I'm a grown teenager. I don't play with barbies. I don't understand what girls find fun in them. Really. They're made of plastic, their hair go everywhere, they don't talk, and you have to move them. What's the fun in that? At least action figures have the little buttons you could press and they say some sort of catch phrase or something.

"Sorry babe. I don't play barbies." I said. She may be my sister but I will not play barbies even if it's the last thing I do. It's very awkward and barbies aren't my thing. I wish she had a sister or somebody her age she could play with. But she doesn't she only has me and her younger brother Jaxon. She doesn't have any friends yet because she's barely going to start preschool. Man my little sis is growing. 

She pouted. I shook my head. "Nope." I said popping the 'p'. I turned around to check on Jaxon who was still in his playpen sucking on his thumb. he doesn't do much. "What's up buddie?" I asked crouching near him looking over at him. He just stared back at me and made this weird bubble noise. He's only 2 years old so I don't expect him to reply to me. He has managed to try and say a few words but he hasn't formed the word correctly. I sighed. "I'll play." I gave in to jazzy.

She squealed and handed me a doll. What am I suppose to do? I don't know anything about dolls. "Bieber. You can be Shelly. I'll be Cindy." She said. Shelly who? Man at these moments I wish I had a brother my age or at least another sister her age. She started telling me that they were going to a ball and that cindy was suppose to meet up with Brad but Shelly doesn't like Brad and they start a fight. Geez where does this little girl get all this from? I blame my mom who watched soap opras. 

The front door to the house opened and shut. "Justin I'm home." I heard my mom call out. I inwardly praised the almighty and ran down the stairs.I heard Jazzy huff behind me. It's not my fault. I don't do good with barbies.

"Thank you." I whispered/yelled kissing her cheek and helping her with the grocery bags. We both walked into the kitchen and I helped her take the grocery out of the bag and onto the counter.

"Barbies?" She asked. I nodded frantically. She chuckled.

"Why couldn't you and dad have another boy around my age?" I whined. She stiffened at her spot. I don't know if it's because I mentioned my late father or because I mentioned having another sibling. That shouldn't get her nevous. Was she nervous? Or was she afraid? Or hurt? Maybe both?

"That's crazy talk Justin. I had you when I was 17 okay. I can't have more than one kid. I wouldn't have been able to support both of you." She rambled. I was going to question it but the way she was acting and talking. I just shrugged it off. I nodded. "Go get the kids. Supper will be ready in about 15 mins?" She said looking down at her watch. I nodded once more and  walked up the stairs.

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