Chapter 15-Strange Phone Call

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A/n quick author note. Sorry I haven't updated. It's because I wasn't home. Went out of town for break. Anyways, i was expecting some feed back because I honestly don't know what else to add. So this chapter might be crappy. I'm going as I write. This isn't pre-written or edited. Sorry. This story coming to a finish. Probably another 5 or 6 chapters left? I'll try to make them long and less author notes. Anyways, thanks for the reads and all the votes! I appreciate it really!:)


::Jason McCann:

I awoke with a stingy sensation all around my throat. It felt like it was swollen. I unlached Justin from me and stood up. I walked straight to the bathroom and opened my mouth to check on my throat. From what I can see it did look swollen. "Jason?" I heard the sleep-filled voice of my brother. 

"Ri-" I stopped before I could actually finish a word. My throat was burning. I hissed in pain and decided that I can't talk at all. I heard foot steps coming my way. Justin walked in with a worried expression. 

"Jason, you ok? Is it your throat?" He asked coming closer to me. I nodded and looked back at the mirror so I could see my throat. "I'm going to call mom." He said and walked out of the room. This was suppose to be a fun get away. In reality it's just another hell. It's like the world doesn't want us to be happy. They just want us to suffer. I sat on the toilet as I wait for my mom and Justin to come. It seemed like ages till they walked in wish Jaxon in her arms.

"What's wrong honey? You're throat hurts? Let me see." She handed Jaxon to Justin and walked over to me. i opened my mouth cautiously and winced when I opened it to wide for my throat's comfort. "Ok I want you to rinse you're throat with warm water and salt. I'll be right back. Justin put Jaxon down for me yeah?" She looked over at Justin. He simply nodded but looked over at me first. 

I sighed and stayed on the toilet till my mom returned. I just wanted to have fun this week. Is it really that much to ask? "Jason, your phone keeps buzzing. It's a kid named Drew that keeps texting you."  Justin shrugged and tossed me my phone. Drew? I unlocked my phone and surely there was 4 unread messages with the name Drew on it. 

From: Unknown Number

Jason why have't you texted back? You have a month without texting back. Answer me god dammit. ~Drew

I ignored the other messages. Drew? Where do I know a Drew from? I don't remember texting anybody before. I don't even have Ryan or Chaz's number. I don't even know why I have a phone. I only text well actually I don't text anybody. Mom walked in with a glass of water. "Here you go sweetie. Drink this. It'll help your throat." She smiled at me and handed the glass to me. "I'll come back in about an hour to check up on you. If you're feeling better then we can go to Disneyland. But if you're not feeling well it's okay. We can think of something." She caressed ny cheek before kissing it. With one last smile she turned around and walked out of the restroom.

To: Unknown Number

I don't know a Drew, I'm sorry. Wrong number. x

I quickly sent and drunk the cup of water. I gargled it and spat it out. It's disgusting and the water is warm. I stayed there for what seemed like hours but were mereily 15 minutes. I moved around my jaw and checked my throat in the mirror. The redness died down a little but it was still swollen. I sighed and drunk some of the water again to spit it out. Once I was done I just sat at the toilet. Too lazy to even go anywhere.  My phone started buzzing crazily on the counter top. I picked it up and it was that unknown number calling me. I warily picked it up.

"Hello?" I called into the phone groggily. 

"Jason, I should feel very hurt that you don't remember me. I miss you." I heard the voice of a boy. Sounded like a 10 year old. He sounded small. 

"Sorry kid." I coughed and held onto my pulsing throat. "I don't know a Drew." I coughed once more. 

"How can you forget me?" the little boy almost sounder hurt. 

I opened my mouth to say something but ended up coughing again. Justin soon walked in with a worried expression. He looked over at the phone in my hand and shook his head. He grabbed it from me. "Hello? I'm sorry but Jason can't talk right now." He spoke into the phone. While the little boy spoke Justin just nodded. I grabbed the phone from him and put it on speaker. 

"Who's this? I want to speak with Jason!" the boy whined. 

"Look kid, Jason can't talk. I'm his brother. You can tell me right now and I'll tell Jason what you wanted." Justin talked for me. 

"Jason's brother?" he shrieked. "He changed me? How could he? "The boy cried. 

Justin looked over at me questioningly. I just shrugged in respsonse. "Erm sorry kid. Did you need anything?" He asked politely.

"Just tell him I didn't die. Jase I'm afraid."  

I quickly shut off my phone and looked wide eye at my brother. That can't be happening. It's not real. He died. I saw it! "Jason who was that?" He asked looking at me weirdly. I shurgged. and walked past him. I'm thanking the heavens I can't talk right now. 

"Jason the kids really want to go already. How are you feeling?" Mom walked in. I pointed to my throat and made a throbbing motion. She sighed. "Is it fine if I go with the kids? Maybe if you're feeling well you can go with us tomorrow." She smiled. I nodded agreeing with her. "Thanks honey. Behave you two." She kissed us goodbye and took Jaxon and Jasmyn with her. 

"Jason, why would a little kid call you and ask for you, claiming he's your brother?" Justin asked as he tossed himself on the bed. I shrugged and laid down with my back facing Justin. He died. I know he did. I specifically remember 3 shots being fired. 


I awoke hours later. I didn't exactly plan on going to sleep but I ended up falling asleep. "Jason, the number keeps calling." Justin tells me as he sees that I'm awake.

"H-have you answered?" My voice came out high and raspy. Something like a guy would sound like once he hits puberty. My throat felt so much better. It wasn't throbbing anymore. 

"No. Can I though? He's calling right now." Justin shows me my phone. Indeed the number was calling. He didn't give me time to answer as he pressed the answer button. 

"Hello?" He called into it as he put the speaker on. 

"Jase?" the same voice called. 

"Nope. Jason's brother. Why do you keep calling? It's not funny kid. He doesn't have a brother besieds me." Justin rolled his eyes. I did tell him about my foster brother but I never mentioned his name..

"He does too! I'm his brother! I want my brother! I don't like you!" The kid cried.

"Well I don't care." Justin sighed and rubbed at his temples. 

"Tell Jase that i miss mum and dad."  the boy wimpered. 

Like before, I grabbed my phone and shut it. It can't be happening. "Jason who the hell is that? I know you know him. Now spit it out." Justin said. By the tone of his voice he isn'r fucking around. I sighed and scratched the back of my neck.

"Justin." I sighed. 

"That's my brother Drew from the foster home I used to live in. I thought he died. Turns out he's alive." I explained. I looked over at Justin and he looked shocked.

"How did he get your number?" He asked.

"Hospital records. I've had the same functioning number for a really long time. I need to see him Jay." I said. He nodded understandingly. 

"Call him back. Ask where he's at and where he can meet us. I want to meet my brother." Justin smiled lightly. 


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