Chapter 13-Elevator Ride Gone Bad

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::Jason McCann;;

I stood agape at the front glass doors to the hotel we were currently standing in front of. When I mean we I mean Justin and I. Mom was inside checking us in. She told the man specifically she wants one on the first floor by the pool, for Justin's and Jazzy's sake. "Boys, c'mere a second." Mom called out to us. We both snapped out of our gaze and walked into the lobby. This place was bigger then our house. How can we afford this?

"The man right here said there's only one affordable room left on the 25th floor. It's a 2 bedroom, 3 bed." She says not trying to sound annoyed. But you can tell. I looked over at Justin. He looked back at me and smiled. He shrugged it off and went to go look at a water fountain. "He's ok?" She asked me. I looked over at Justin once more and he was just staring at the statue. I shrugged and followed him.

I honestly don't know if he;s ok. He's been quiet and he hasn't really spoken to me. Sure we've played some games and sat together during lunch at school. But he hasn't really had a full conversation with me. I walked up from behind him. "Justin what's wrong?" I asked. I sat on the edge of the water fountan and looked up at him, He had this blank expression. He plasted a small fake smile and shook his head.

"Boys time to go." Mom yelled at us. I got up and followed after Justin. Jazzy picked up her hands for me to carry her. I easily picked her up and bounced her in my arms a few times. She giggled and played with my necklace.

"You ok princess?" I asked, She's usually full of energy. It's like everybody's drained this week.

"Derek?" She asked.

I chuckled. "Aw babe. You don't have to worry about Jason, Derek and Drew. It's just me." I assured her and kissed her forehead. She smiled wider and hugged me tightly.

"Jason did you bring your pills?" Mom asked. I nodded. That was the first thing I packed. Jaxon was in Justin's arms and he was stiffly holding him. I swear it looked like he was afraid of holding him.Jax started crying and moving around in Justin's arms. Before mom could even move, I put Jazzy down carefully and grabbed Jax from Justin. Justin had his eyes wide open and his mouth slightly agape.

"Justin Drew. What is going on with you?" Mom questioned. I get we were riding on an elevator and the moment but Justin has never acted this way on an elevator. I cradled Jax and kissed his forehead. I whispered sweet nothings into his ear trying to get him to cool down. After what seemed like forever the doors finally opened and Justin stormed out of the elevator. I told my mom it was proabably the elevator ride. She agreed and let it slide.

Once we got to our room Jazzy ran in and jumped on her bed. "Pool!" She yelled. Mom chuckled and rolled her eyes. "Boys I'm going to change these two and myself and go down to the pool. Come join if you'd like." She told us and disappeared into her room. I shut the door that separted both of our rooms and turned to look at Justin who was sprawled all over the bed.

"I've had enough of your bull Justin. What has gotten into you?" I asked.

"Nothing." He mumbled. I shook my head and sat on the bed facing him.

"Don't give me that bull. Something's wrong and you're going to tell me." I ordered. I'm tired of his atitude. He's been so distant. It's like he's afraid of saying something wrong, doing something wrong. Even Chaz and Ryan noticed. Heck even Jaxon noticed. Jaxon.

"That's it. is't it?" I asked.He snapped his head at me and furrowed his eyebrows.

"What's it?" He asked.

"You're afraid of saying something wrong or doing something wrong in front of Jaxon. You're afraid of causing his nightmares." I pointed out, He finally sat up and looked over at me. He quickly looked away and nodded.

"Jay you have nothing to be afraid of. He's still your baby brother. He's the same. He still loves you and your cuddles." I sighed and slung my arms over his shoulder and pulled him close.

"What if I start playing with him and his nithmares start?" He asked timidly. I shook my head.

"Jay his nightmares aren't going to start because you play peek-a-boo. Trust me." I send him a smile.

"Now let's go to the pool." I stand up and run to my suitcase pulling two swimming trunks and grabbing two towels. "Hurry up and change Justin." I order him again. He chuckles at my playful mood and grabs his trunks and changes in the restroom. I quickly change in the room.

"Thanks Jase." Justin says as we're walking towards the elevators.


"Being the best brother I could ask for."

He stops dead in his tracks once we reach the elevators. "Hey Jay, you'll do fine. You have you're best brother with you." I wiggle my eyebrows at him. He giggles and nudges me. We both enter the elevator and for the first 8 floors it goes smoothly. That's when the elevator started creaking.

I could see Justin started to turn pale. "It's nothing." I assured him. Spoke to soon. The elevator came to an abrupt stop making us both stumble. Justin's eyes were wide and his breathing started picking up. Right as I was about to speak the elevaotr jerke and the lights went out. I head Justin whimper.The emergency light came out and I searched the small space for Justin.

He was on the ground, clutching his arm that was already in the cast. "Justin what's wrong?" I asked but nearly slapped myself. Hmm I don't know Jason. He just got stuck in an elevator over 20 floors high with the lights off. What's worst is that he fell and hurt him already broken arm.He whimpered again. I sat next to him on the ground. "Jay look at me. Everything will be fine. I'm going to call for help. Don't worry." I assured him giving him a small kiss before getting up. I felt a strong hand wrap around my own.

"Don't" I interwinded our fingers together and gave him a reassuring squeeze.

I sat back down next to him. "How am I going to call for help? I have to use the elevator phone." I tell him as I pont to the wall with all the floor numbers. "Want me to crawl there?" I ask next.He shakes his head. "Justin stop acting this way. Please be brave for a few short seconds while I call." I sighed. He lets go of my hand and looks down. I feel like a dick but I need to call for help.

I quickly make my way to the wall and call for help. They inform me that they'll be there soon. Yeah ok. I crawl back to Justin and he quickly wraps his arms around my waist. I wrap my around his shoulder and kiss on top of his head. "You'll be fine Justin, I  promise." The elevator jerks again and doesn't stop moving. It almost feels like we're falling.I held on tighter to Justin.

"I love you Justin. Always will." I mumbled into his hair and it kept falling countless of floors.


Hey guys, I'm so sorry i haven't updated. I always say i'll update and make longer chapters but you don't understand how hard this is. I made this story for fun and I was thinking of ending it like 6 chapters ago. But I see how many people actually like it so I'm continuing it. It's slow updates and awful chapters I know. sorry. omg sorry if this chapter doesn't make sense or if my words are jumbled up. It's 1:15 am and i'm really tired. I just promised one of my readers I was going to post today. I'd really appreciate the votes and comments. I'd like to know how I'm doing and what you'd like for it to happen. I thought I'd leave this chapter in a cliff hanger ;) anyways. Thank you all for being so patient with me. Go read my boyxboy fanfic. ;) lol bye xxx

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