Chapter 12-He's Going To Be Ok

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::Justin Bieber::

"So we ran some test on your little brother and they came back normal. Nothing's physically wrong. He's healthy. We were thinking of sending him to therapy but he's only 2 so we just think they're nightmares. Since he's small we can't prescribe him any sleeping pills." The doctor explained.

I let out a sigh of relief. "So what can we do?" Jason asked. The doctor thought for a moment.

"For time being, keep him away from anything that may cause nightmares or trauma. For example: fights, action/horror movies, real life events, etc." He said. I nodded. He hasn't been around violence. Has he?

"So Jason, I'd like to take the medicines that are waiting for you downstairs in the pharmacy. They will help you with your Mpd and bipolar mood swings. If you even miss one medication things will go haywire and you'll break somebody's arm." He said looking over to my cast. Ass. It's not like Jason didn't feel bad enough!

"You may go. I'd like to see you in about a week. Appointment is set up thanks to your mom." He added before he left.

I picked up Jaxon who was sound asleep on the bed. He's pretty heavy on one arm. I winced when I laid him on the broken arm. "Give him here. I can't let you carry him that way. You'll just hurt your arm." Jason said and grabbed Jaxon from my arms.

It's not that Jaxon hates Jason but he still gets confused with the same faces. Crazy but he knows which one is Jason. "Where's jazzy?" He asked as we walked down the corridor to get to the elevators. He pressed the button to summon the elevator. I hate hospital elevators. They're ancient. They could break down any second.

"At preschool." I mumbled and leaned against the elevator wall as we rode it down. If it's going down a floor or 28 floors. I still feel claustrophobic. The elevator made this creaky noise every time it passed a floor. My god this thing is going to break.

"You hate elevators don't you?" He asked. I kept my mouth shut but nodded slowly. The elevator came to a stop. The door opened ever so slowly. I just wanted to pry them open. I jumped out the elevator and sighed. I should've taken the stairs. I walked by the registration desk to meet up with mom.

"Did you ask the doctor about Jaxon?" Mom asked as soon as she saw us.

"He said its nothing physical. It's probably nightmares. So we have to keep him away from anything that can cause nightmares or trauma." I explained to her. She shook her head and took Jaxon from Jason. She cradled him and started walking towards the pharmacy.

"I don't understand. How can a 2 year old have traumatic experiences?" Jason asked as we waited in line for his medicines. Mom thought for a second. She shrugged.

"We don't fight or yell. I don't watch anything that may traumatize him."

"It's us." Jason said from beside me. I looked over at him questioning.

"It's us Justin. Ever since I got here, we been yelling and fighting. That can traumatize him. He's never been around it before. It's the perfect explanation." He explained to me. There has to be another reason. He's going to be blaming himself.

"Jase, there has to be another reason." I told him. There has to. Maybe he heard the neighbors fighting? Maybe our neighbor was watching a scary movie while baby sitting him?

"No Justin. Jason's right, it adds up." Mom quietly agrees. I shook my head. It can't be. I'm the cause of my little brothers nightmares?

"It's my fault he can't sleep?" I asked. I couldn't accept it. Jaxons having nightmares because I couldn't play nicely with Jason. It's my fault because I couldn't keep my voice low.

"Don't worry Justin. Don't stress yourself. He'll get through it." My mom smiled assuringly. I heard a loud cough and a whiny voice coming from behind us.

"Can you move along? The line moved up." Some blond woman whined. Mom sent her an apologetic smile and walked to the cashier.

"Jason McCann. 3.1.94" she told the pharmacist. She nodded and typed some stuff on the computer and turned around to look for the medication. She scanned 6 bottles of pills and dropped them into a brown paper bag.


Mom quickly paid the cash and we walked back to the car.


"So boys, I was thinking, since things been going so well, I was wondering if you'd like to go to Disneyland this weekend." Mom asked us.

It's been about 2 weeks since we came back from the hospital. Jason's been taking his pills and the episodes hardly happen. Drew is the one that usually comes out and I'm not complaining. We've been taking extra care of Jaxon and so far he hasn't had any nightmares. He just tends to sleep with me or Jason. No need to worry really.

"Yeah!" Jazzy screeched. She jumped up and down.

"I'm down". Jason shrugged.

I chuckled and shook my head. "So it's settled. We'll be going to Disneyland. Pack a suitcase". Mom smiled big and walked out the kitchen. Jazzy jumped off her seat and ran up the stairs. Jason rolled his eyes and chuckled lightly.

"This is going to be interesting."



Okay hey people!!! I'm not dead! 🙈 I'm so so so sorry I haven't written anything!! I've been so busy with school! That god there's only two weeks left! (5 days) then I'll update more frequently!

If I update other stories (newer ones) that means I already had them written or completed. Thank you for all the lovely votes!:) it means a lot!

I'll be uploading a one direction story (boyxboy) won't tell you the pairing because I'm still writing. ;) but it may include Narry a little LILO and maybe some zerrie. Won't say anything else because that may give it away.

I'll also be uploading a Jason McCann story. It's completed but go read it :) it's called 'kidnapped' not that great of a title. Sorry xxx lmfao

I'll also be upload a Justin bieber

fanfic that also completed. :)

Anyways, thanks for reading!! Love you!:)

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