Chapter 4-Pudding

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::Justin Bieber::

As I saw my home come into view I sighed in relief. I made it. My feet are killing me and my stomach isn't any better plus I have that song stuck in my head for no reason. It's not even the full song. Thank to that damn car. Speaking about cars,  I saw my car in the drive way too. Anger built inside of me. That son of a bitch. I don't care if it's his stupid disorder crap. He did this to me! I knocked on the door loudly so somebody would hear it. it's only 9 but my mom tends to sleep early and I don't know about Dr, Chance. "Coming." I heard his voice. My whole body felt warm. That's how pissed off I was. I didn't even care why he was up. "Hey Justin. Where were you?" He asked. I launched myself at him and started hitting him. "What the fuck man." He hissed and pushed me off him or at least tried pushing himself off me.

I grabbed him by his neck and looked over at him. "You pathetic son of a bitch." I yelled. I don't know. Anger usually doesn't take the best of me. I usually don't get mad. I just forgive but come on! He beat me up and left me to die at that park! I could've been kidnapped or abused or raped or maybe even killed! His eyes started glossing up. He started crying. What the fuck.

"Justin!" My mom scolded. I flinched at the sound. She sounde mad.  I guess I woke her up.

"But-" she cut me off.

"Apologize to Drew now." She looked at me expectantly. I sighed.

"I'm sorry Drew." I looked over at him. His glossy light brown eyes staring back at my own.

He shook his head and ran away. "Great you upset him." My mom shook her head disappointingly. I sighed and ran up the stairs towards his room. He was under his blanket in a ball.

"Drew." I called out. He just shivered. What the? I took the blanket off of him and looked at him. He had tear stained cheeks. "I'm sorry." I told him honestly.

"Juju you hurt me." He choked out. The way his voice cracked made my heart do the same. Guilt washed over me. 

"I'm sorry Drew. I promise not to hurt you anymore. Okay?" I looked at him. He hesitantly nodded. He scooted his way towards me and hugged me tightly. I was weirded out at first but then I wrapped my arm around him. He is like my younger brother. I like Drew more then the rest. Drew is like the younger brother I never had. Sure I had Jaxon but he's only 2. In Drew's mind he's 8.

"Juju. Why did you hurt me?" He asked softly. I sighed. How am I gonna explain to him that his other personality hurt me and I confused him with the other one? That's right. I can't.

"Uh Drew. I'm sorry. I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing." I explained the best I can. It's like talking to jazzy when I do something wrong. He nodded.

"I want some pudding." He said after a while of silence..

"I want some pudding too." I said now tasting it in my mouth. What? Pudding is good. "Let's go get some." I told Drew and stood up off the bed. He took out his hand. I looked down at it. Uh what doss he want me to do. He pouted. Does he want me to hold his hand? I hesitantly grabbed his hand. He smiled small. I guess he does. I pulled him off of his bed and hauled him down the stairs. It felt weird holding onto Drew's hand. It's way different from when you're holding a girls hand.

He is my brother and I don't think this is wrong. It's like holding Jaxon's hand. Right? Once we got to the kitchen I let go of his hand. My hand felt cold without his warm hand surrounding it. I shook off the stupid feeling and grabbed two cups of pudding and two spoons. I handed him a cup and opened my own. The whole house was quiet and the lights were off. It was pretty late. The only light that was on was the one in the living room. I'm guessing either my mom's in there or Dr. Chance.

"Can you open it juju?" Drew asked. If only Drew was his permanent personality. I nodded and opened his pudding cup and handed it to him. "Thank you." He smiled and started eating his pudding cup. Mm pudding. Once we were done. I threw the cups away and put the spoons in the sink. I looked over at Drew who had some pudding on his chin. I chuckled and wiped it off with my thumb then licking it. What? It's pudding. I'm not going to let it go to waste. We made our way back to our bed rooms. "Juju. I can't sleep alone." He frowned. I sighed.

"Drew please I'm tired." I told him while yawning. His eyes glossed over. I sighed. "Fine. I will leave after your asleep." I warned him and lazily made my way into his bedroom. Once I hit his bed I shut my eyes and I instantly fell into dreamland. Just hope Derek nor Jason get mad about this in the morning.


Out of my league, old school chic

Like a moviestar from a silver screen

You’re one of a kind, living in a world gone plastic

Baby, you’re so classic (yea yea)

Baby, you’re so classic (yea yea)

Baby, you’re so classic

Baby you’re class, and baby you’re sic

I never met a girl like you until we met

A star in the 40′s, centerfold in the 50′s

You got met trippin’ out like the 60′s – hippies

Queen of the discotheque

A 70′s gleam with an 80′s vest

Pepper, Beyonce, Marilyn, Massive

Girl you’re timeless

Just so classic

You’re over my head, I’m out of my mind

Thinking I was born in the wrong time

It’s not a rewind, everything is so throwback yea

I kinda like it like it

My eyes snapped open when the song started blaring by my ear. Who's idea was to put on the alarm? I looked to my left and saw Jason asleep his lips slightly parted and an arm draped over me. I didn't even have to to change into pajamas or anything. I carefully and slowly removed his arm from around me and walked out of the room to the restroom down the hall. My side is hurting and I haven't even checked it out.

I walked over to the mirror above the sink and picked up my shirt. I saw a huge bruise on the side of my ribs but that didn't surprise me. I had a few bruises and scars scattered around my body but those were from the bullies at school. I put my shirt down and walked down the stairs after getting dressed into some jogging pants and a t-shirt.

"G'morning mom." I greeted her and kissed her cheek. 

"Take care of Jazzy while I'm gone." She answered. I gave her a questioning look. "You're grounded for hurting Jason last night. So you're staying here and taking care of you're siblings. I'm going to the market. I'll be back." She explained and grabbed her keys. 

Jason soon appeared in the kitchen rubbing at his eyes and yawning. "You should take Jason mom." I told her. I don't really want to be alone wit Jason and I really don't thnik I can handle any of his mood swings at a time. 

"That's a great idea. Go get dressed. We're going to the market. It'll be a great time to bond." She nodded over to Jason encouragingly. He groaned but walked up the stairs anyways. That's what he gets.



picture of the bruise on the side. I was going to post a more black/blue bruise but I didn't want to post anything to graphic. Found this picture on google. Woops. 

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