Chapter 9-Crack

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::Justin Bieber::

"I'm Drew."

That's something I never wanted to hear. Did I just call him Jason? Did he just beat up a guy or was it Jason and did his personality change to drew? "Drew." I started trying to explain to him the best I can.

"Who the fuck are you calling Drew? I'm Derek." He snapped. What's going on with his mpd?

"Derek I didn't mean calling you Drew. I was thinking of my middle name and it sorta popped out." I grimaced.

"Don't give me that bullshit Justin. This is the second time you've called me Drew. Explain." He demanded. I quickly got to my feet and ran down the now empty hallway and slipped out my phone.

"Dr. Chance." I breathed out as he answered.

"Justin? What's wrong?" He asked.

"Ever since Jason came back from the hospital. His personalities have changed characteristics and they've been changing rapidly." I explained. He hummed in response.

"Has he taken his pills?" He asked.

"Yes he has. Both right?" I asked trying to make sure.

"He was suppose to be taking 4. My oh my. Bring him in as soon as you can. All his personalities may get aggressive. Even Drew's." he explained.

That explains Drew beating up the guy in the hallway. "I messed up and called him a different name twice. What do I do?" I asked looking around me.

"I can't help you with that son. I'm sorry." He responded with a sigh.

"Thanks doc." I sighed and hung up. I quickly texted my mom what happened and she said she's gonna pick us up.

"There you are Jay. I was looking for you." I heard Drew call out. I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm afraid. "Why did you leave me alone? Why did you call me Jason?" He asked walked up to me. I stepped back.

"not feeling well." I faked a cough.

"Poor baby! Let's get you to the nurses office." He grabbed my arm and started pulling me.

"Oh no. It's okay." I pulled away and tried running away but he just tripped me. I fell on the ground with a thud.

"Why are you running away?" He climbed on top of me. He caressed my cheek.

Ok I get they get aggressive. But right now. This seems seductive. "Drew stop." I said after staring into his eyes.

"There you go again with the name Drew." He spat and grabbed my hair roughly. I hissed in pain. He slammed my head against the floor.

"Stop Derek." I yelled. My head pounding. He punched my face.

"Bitch. I'm trying to be a good brother!" He yelled. I pushed him off me.

"Derek stop!" I yelled. With all my force i pushed him and he fell.

I jumped onto my feet and ran away from him. I heard heavy footsteps behind me. My heart was racing. I'm surprised the teachers haven't came out. I ran out the school toward the football field. I fell onto my stomach with full force. I turned my head and saw Jason on top of me. His eyes were black. No joke. If I was scared before. I'm fucking terrified right now. "You little piece of shit." He yelled.

"Don't do this. I'm your brother." I cried. I tried getting through to him.

"My last name is McCann. Does it fucking look like I'm related? If i was fucking related to you. My last name would've been Bieber!" He yelled. My face was still pinned against the grass. He grabbed my arm and twisted behind me.

"Jason stop! You're gonna break my arm!" I yelled. Crying uncontrollably. He didn't listen.

He kept twisting it and pulling at it. He didn't stop till he heard a 'crack'. My eyes went to the back of my head. I yelled in agony. Holy crap. If you think birth is painful get a broken bone. I was hyperventilating. The pain was so agonizing. I couldn't focus on anything. I couldn't hear anything. I started breathing heavily. It's like I was in a small room. There wasn't any air. My eyes finally went shut.


"Justin sweetheart. Wake up." I heard my mothers soothing voice. I opened my eyes then quickly shut it. I tried again and blinked to adjust to the light.

"What happened?" I asked after realizing I was in a hospital.

"When I came to pick you up. You weren't in class. Some kids went out to search for you. They found you passed out in the football field and Jason was passed out a few meters away." She explained.

I remember running to the football field. But everything after that is pretty much a blur. "You have a broken arm. Dr. Chance said it was Jason." She told me. That's when I realized I had a cast on my left arm.

"How does he know?" I asked.

"Drew confessed to him." My mom sent me an apologetic smile. "He didn't mean it. You know?" I scoffed.

"That doesn't give him the right to break my arm!" I yelled.

"Justin Drew!" She scolded. "I'm your mother and you're gonna show me some respect." She snapped.

"I'm sorry mom." I apologized. I'm just cranky.

"Jason wants to see you. Come on." My mom smiled small at me. I sighed. Could it get any worse? I climbed off the bed. Thank god I'm not in a stupid hospital gown.

"Jason. You're gonna have to stay here for a while. When you're stable. You can go home." I hear dr chance tell Jason as I walked into his room.

Both their heads snapped to me. "Justin." Jason gasped. "What happened?" He asked worriedly. I wanted to scream and punch him so bad right now. But 'he didn't mean it'. Bullshit! Ugh I regret knowing Jason. I wish I didn't have a fucking brother. I rather have jasmyn and jaxon. All Jason has caused is pain.

I hate him and I wish he could go back to his foster home! "Justin." He called again.

"Fuck you Jason. I wish I never met you." I spat and walked away without looking back.

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