Chapter 31

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Naruto sprinted towards Madara, letting out a wave of killer intent. Sasuke followed behind his brother while Madara stood still watching them closely. Naruto got closer until he sensed something making him retreat.

"What's wrong, Naruto?" Madara smirked.

Naruto then turned his attention to Sasuke, "watch out!" He yelled and appeared in front of Sasuke. The blonde went into a defensive position but was ill hit by some sort of invisible attack.

"Naruto!" Sasuke exclaimed.

Sasuke then looked forward and immediately saw another Madara. "What the-!" Before he could finish his sentence he was hit by the Invisible Madara.

Naruto growled noticing the smirk on Madaras face. "Bastard." Naruto growled and dashed towards Madara before unexpectedly got hit on the gut.

The blonde skidded all the way to where Sasuke was standing. "Naruto-nii-"

"Shut up, I'm fine..." Naruto said immediately standing up, interrupting Sasuke.

Sasuke looked at his older brother but then shook his head. "You can't see it, but with my new eye I can see it, it's another Madara." He explained.

"Another one? How annoying." Naruto muttered. "What's even more annoying physical attacks won't work on it. I tried to attack it when I defended you but it didn't work." He explained.

"Since physical attacks don't work..." Sasuke trailed turning his attention to where the invisible Madara stood.

Naruto disappeared and appeared with his Chidori engulfing his whole hand. Sasuke then followed with a new form of Rasengan hovering above his hand.

The two charged towards one another and their attacks hit the Invisible Madara. There was an explosion and debris and smoke covered a small area of the field. Naruto and Sasuke re-appeared in front of Madara who smirk had disappeared.

Where did they get this much power?! He thought.

Naruto dashed towards Madara who readied himself for Narutos attack. Unexpectedly, Sasuke jumped, his fist raised. Madara dodged the punch but then felt a sharp pain on his gut. Sasuke punched Madara on the gut. He opened his hand and a Rasengan formed blowing Madara away.

Naruto jumped and slammed his fists on Madaras head, sending him straight down. Naruto darted down and he stood on the ground, his right hand up in. Lightning flickered from his palm and Madara landed on it and was electrocuted making Madara cry out in pain.

Naruto then dropped his hand and took a step back. Madara fell, but before he could land, Naruto kicked him on the side, sending him towards Sasuke who had a Rasengan ready.

"Rasengan!" Sasuke yelled thrusting the Rasengan on Madaras back. Madara cried out in pain as he was blown away. He skidded across the ground before colliding with a huge boulder, making him gasp in pain.

Madara slowly got up, letting out a roar. He stood up, spitting out blood. Naruto and Sasuke stood beside one another, glaring at Madara. Six Paths form... you're definitely a challenge, Naruto. Madara thought and clicked his tongue.

"To think a legend like you, is bested by a mere seventeen year old, like me." Naruto added.

"You insolent brat!" Madara growled and went for another attack when he abruptly stopped dead in his tracks. Sasuke was about to go and attack but Naruto grabbed his jacket and pulled him down onto the ground.

"Oy! What was that for?!" Sasuke asked.

"Something's... happening..." Naruto said as he watched Madara.

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