Chapter 30

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As if the fight couldn't have gotten worse, now Madara had taken the chakra of all tailed beasts and had taken the form of the ten tailed Jinchuriki. Naruto clicked his tongue and activated his Emperor Eye, level two.

"Let's see who's stronger," Naruto stated opening his eyes and looked at Madara, directly in his eyes, "A Demon Emperor or a Ten Tailed Jinchuriki..."

Minato looked at his son and saw his eyes. "Naruto you-" the blonde began when Naruto turned his head and glared at the fourth hokage, forcing him to shut up.

"Don't think you can talk to me so freely, bakage! You don't deserve anything but despair." Naruto growled.

Madara chuckled, "so even joining in this was to fight against me and Obito, you still hate him?" Madara laughed. "Why bother to join them Naruto? Become what you really are! Become what they taught you to become!"

Naruto growled deeply and took a stance. He looked at Madara and saw his future movements just by his slightest movements, and the way he stood. The blonde lunged himself towards Madara. Madara disappeared and attempted to kick Naruto when the blonde suddenly disappeared and grabbed his foot. Madara was spun around before thrown at a clone of Naruto.

Narutos clone threw a hard punch at Madara sending him flying. Naruto jumped as his clone disappeared in a puff of smoke and raised his fist. Madara put his hand on the floor and lunged himself off the ground, standing. He dodged Narutos kick and this time he grabbed his leg and kneed the blonde in the gut, hard. Naruto coughed put blood and recieved a fist to the head. Naruto smashed onto the ground and rocks went flying up.

Madara jumped away from the blonde and smirked. Naruto slowly got up, he turned his head and glared at Madara. "That all you got?" Madara asked.

"Don't patronize me!" Naruto growled and his eyes flashed into his Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan. Black flames shot towards Madara who dodged the attack with ease. "Katon: Fire Bullet Jutsu!" He yelled. Bullets of fire shot towards Madara.

Once again Madara dodged the fire bullets with ease but then Naruto appeared above him and the blonde slammed his fists onto his head, sending him down onto the ground.

Sasuke ran in, a Rasengan in his palm. The ravenette jumped and slammed the blue orb onto Madaras back, a huge explosion went off and Sasuke jumped away with Naruto. A huge shockwave was released making everyone turn away and hold on to rocks and one another.

Once it settled down, debris clouded the battlefield. Kiba raised his head, "do you think that did it?" He asked as the debris slowly cleared revealing Naruto and Sasuke standing next to one another and Madara laying on the ground.

"Not sure... but Sage Jutsu does work on him... so I'm sure it would've had some effect." Shikamaru answered.

Suddenly the ground shook making the group and all the other shinobis lose their balance and fall over. The vines from the tree began to scatter and went deeper into the ground. Sakura let out a yelp as she fell backwards into a deep hole created by a root.

Naruto ran up to her and grabbed her hand before she could fall in any further. He lifted her up and embraced her before cutting the roots and jumped away, to safety. There he set Sakura down and was about to attack Madara when Gai appeared in front of him.

"Old man Bushy Brows?" Naruto asked. Lee and Tenten rushed up to their sensei.

"Gai-sensei!" Lee shouted and everyone immediately knew what was going to happen. Kakashi groaned. Here. We. Go. Again. For. The. Millionth. Time! He thought as he repeatedly hit his head on a boulder next to him.

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