Chapter 11

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"... 4-494..."

"49... 5..."

"4... 96..."


"... 49... 8..."

"... 499..."

C'mon Sasuke! Just one more push up and you're done. Naruto thought in anticipation.


"Good job Sasuke!" Naruto said as he ran up to his tired, sweaty brother.

"Thanks... Naruto-nii." Sasuke said while he tried to steady his breathing, "can I take these weights off? Please?"

Naruto thought for a moment. Well I don't want my little brother to die and still needs another day to survive my training. Naruto thought.

Naruto smiled, "sure! I don't want you die yet. You're too young." Naruto said.

Sasuke's face lit up and hurriedly took the weights off of his wrists, waist and ankles. "That feels so much better!" Sasuke said the heaviness on his wrists, waist and ankles were no more and his body could rest.

"Ok, now stand and tell me how it feels." Naruto instructed, Sasuke did as he was told and stood up.

To the young Uchihas surprised his whole body felt light, especially his legs. He moved to the left, then the right before he jumped up and down. "I feel so... light." Sasuke said.

Naruto smiled, "light enough to run five hundred laps around Konoha?" The blonde asked stretching his arms and legs. Sasuke nodded in response.

"Good," Naruto began and gestured for Sasuke to follow him, "you're gonna run that much, but you don't have to. I'll be running with you as well."

The two arrived at the front gates, "ready?" He asked as the two of them got into running stances, "GO!!"

The two ran at full speed. Although Sasuke was just behind Naruto he was absolutely astonished at how fast he cou run. Wait... is Naruto-nii holding back? He thought and sighed.

But to make me wear weights, do several things and then have my weights increased everytime I get used to them is pretty smart. Sasuke smiled to himself.

With the help of Naruto-nii I'll be able to help everyone. I'll be able to become stronger and become strong enough to protect everyone in the villag too.

I'll get even stronger than I am now and protect this village! I promise! I'll never go back on my word!

Sasuke smiled to himself and ran a little faster to catch up with Naruto. "That's four hundred and thirty laps Sasuke," Naruto smiled, "you're doing great."

"Awesome! But I'm gonna keep going until I feel tired." Sasuke said and Naruto nodded.

The two kept running around Konoha. After awhile Sasuke finslly stopped and he collapsed on the ground panting heavily.

So far I can only do about a thousand and a half laps. Sasuke thought as he slowly sat up. He looked at his hand and curled it into a fist.

The ravenette smiled to himself. I still have a long way to go. He thought.

Sasuke sat on a tree branch watching his brother run at top speed. It wasn't long until Naruto stopped panting heavily. The blonde collapsed onto the ground.

"You know you should stay standing and then collapse?" Sauske asked jumping off the tree branch and approaching Naruto.

Naruto stood up, "your one to talk. I saw you collapse immediately when you finished." He remarked and Sasuke chuckled.

"But it's nice to know my little brother is improving faster than I anticipated." Naruto said patting sasuke on the back.

"Yeah but it's not enough. I wanna get even stronger, strong enough to protect this village. Afterall I promised that and I'm not going back on my word." Sasuke announced.

Naruto smiled. "Alright then," Naruto began, "if you wanna get stronger let's start by taking baby steps."

Sasuke nodded and listened to his brother explain attentively. "First let's increase the weight of your weights," Naruto said once he did so Sasuke put them back on, "now, run!"

Naruto instructed Sasuke to run as many laps as he could with the weights on. After that Sasuke did eight hundred jumping Jack's, six hundred sit ups and one thousand tree climbing exercises.

Naruto also added a sense of hearing training. Sasuke had to be blindfoldednand only rely on his sense of hearing.

Every now and then Naruto would throw Shurkiens and Kunais at Sasuke who had to try and dodge them. If he couldn't Naruto would appear in front of him and reflect the kunai.

"Focus Sasuke!" Naruto ordered, "this is gonna help you sometime in the future, y'know?"

This so hard! Sasuke thought. The ravenette furrowed his eyebrows and tried to concentrate even more. Although Sasuke's hearing wasn't as good as Naruto's he still did his best to avoid the shurikens and kunais rhat were thrown at him.

Sometime passed and Sasuke's hearing got a little bit better. Every now and then he could hear a small 'whoosh' and Sasuke predicted the direction of the weapon that came his way.

Like when you test out a weapon and you try to slice the air you hear a whooshing sound.

"Alright Sasuke," Naruto said putting the shurikens into his holster and kunais into his pouch, "we'll call it a day."

Sasuke took the blindfold off and grabbed a towel wiping off the sweat on his forehead, chin, neck, arms and legs. "That was a lot harder than I thought it would be." Sasume said having turned sigh.

Naruto chuckled, "you'll get used to it." He said patting Sasuke on the head.

As soon as they got home the two took turns taking showers before changing into their pajamas and went to bed.

Before Naruto went to sleep he looked at the photo on his bedside table. It was a photo of when they had adopted Naruto into the Uchiha family.

Mikoto, Fugaku and Itachi were in the back with bright smiles plastered on their faces. Naruto stood next to Sasuke in front of their parents with a big grin on his face, Sasuke on the other hand just had a small smile on his face.

Soon Naruto fell asleep.

Not long after they fell asleep the door opened. "We're home!" Fugaku yelled extending the 'o'. Itachi followed his brother inside, "Naruto? Sasuke?"

"I'm gonna go check up stairs." Itachi said as he walked up the stairs and opened the door to find the two asleep. Itachi smiled.

Those two will definitely fall off their beds tomorrow. Itachi thought sighing at his little brothers positions.

Naruto sort of faced diagonal, his arms spread across the bed, his blanket was on the floor and his pillow supporting a little of his head.

As for Sasuke he was upside down, his left leg touching the wall and his right leg dangling off the bed and his blanket was also on the floor his.

Itachi quietly closed the door and walked back down the stairs. "Tou-san they're asleep." Itachi said.

"Alright, you should go to bed as well." Fugaku said and Itachi nodded. Itachi walked back up the stairs and walked into the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once he finished Irachi changed into his pajamas and went to bed.


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