Chapter 41: Bunnies Look Still When They're Hiding

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Somewhere in the barren land of Costa Rica. July 14, 2025.

Tori pulls the van to the side, hiding it behind a large protruding rock. I check my gun again. And again. And again.

Jason puts a hand on my own, causing me to jump.

He says. "Don't worry. Stay next to me and I'll protect you."

"I-I don't even know how to work a gun." I whisper.

"I believe the instructions are point and shoot." He looks down at his own gun with disdain. "Is it bad that I kinda wish I went wild boar hunting with my dad?"

"Yes!" I gasp. "Killing an animal unnecessarily for fun is inhumane and cruel."

Tori and Jazz get out of the van that I'm pretty sure they once again stole, slamming the doors behind them.

"Is that really what you two are worried about? The humaneness behind hunting wild boar?" Sam hisses.

"It is Addie and Jason. What else would they talk about?" Rachel examines her Tori-issued gun so carefully that for a few seconds, I think she actually knows what she's doing then I realize that all her gun knowledge is from television shows.

Tori opens up the back of the van and motions us out, her eyes not leaving the road. Sam and Rachel are the first ones out considering they were the last people in and Jason quickly follows.

Crazy. This is crazy!

"You chicken, Bryant?"

I look up at Tori, my jaw clenching. "I'm ready."

"Then get out of the car. Staying here too long is dangerous." She glances around again, her jaw working. I climb out of the car with help from Tori, jumping onto the dirt road. The street is full of people, they all look over at us, clearly not noticing the guns in our hands. Either that or they just don't care.

"Thanks." I mumble, looking up at Tori. She grunts, giving my hand a small squeeze. I try to pull my hand away but Tori doesn't let go. "Honey?"

She lets go, breaking away from whatever trance she's in. "Stay close to me. I don't want- want you falling behind." Her voice changes from something that's controlling to something that's more fearful and timid.

I look over at Jazz, waiting for her to tell me what to do. Jazz nods, encouraging me to answer.

"Okay." I nod. "I'll stay right behind you."

Tori glances in the direction of the lab. "Let her."

Sam takes a step forward, putting a hand on Tori's shoulder. "Let who what?"

Tori blinks a few times, breaking away from her trance once again. She's lets go of my hand and checks her gun that is about twice the size of the rest of ours, the snout a little longer than normal. I'm fairly sure that it's an automatic and I don't understand why but it is Tori so I won't say anything. She might shoot me.

"Right behind." She whispers before straightening up. "Let's get moving."

She starts moving forward and the five of us have to run to catch up to her. Something turns in the bottom of my stomach then I see the inside of a glass cell in a very clean room that only has a wall with a computer. I'm quickly back in my body, everything feeling a little off.

"Addie? You good? You kinda zoned out a bit." Rachel puts a hand on my shoulder, pulling my attention away from the nothing in front of me.

I swallow hard, staring at the dirt house in front of me. It was a lab. I was in a lab. Where did it go?

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