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"Why does it look like you don't know this roads? " he asks as we walk.

"Because I don't. "

He laughs.

"How long have you lived here exactly? "

"Since forever. I don't really go out
much. "

I really need to leave home more often.

"So if I run away now, you'll be lost? " he asks with a serious tone.

"Kyle. Don't you dare. "

He laughs but it's a weak laughter. I can tell he's exhausted.

"Relax. I'm just messing with you. But it would be fun to do. "

"Kyle. You work too hard. "

"Yeah. I do. I get involved in any part time job that I can. "

"Isn't that too much? "

"No. not really. It's not too much when you are aiming for something. "

I want to ask him what he's aiming for but I think it's too personal. I don't think I should ask him that yet till we get closer.

"Don't over stress yourself. I'm sure your parents could help you out a bit. "

His face stiffens. I should probably stop mentioning his parents.

"I don't want to depend on them. I want to do this on my own. I told you that I have a goal. Let's not talk about my parents. "

I nod and we both talk about random things until we get to my home. He walks me to my front door.

"Thanks again, Kyle. "

"It's nothing. Good night, Paige."

"Here, your jacket. "

He stops me as I start taking it off.

"Keep it. "

"I'm already home. "

"Just keep it. That way, I'll know I'll see you again because I know you would return it. "

I smile then I make a move to ring the doorbell but then I stop.

"Kyle, do you have anywhere to sleep tonight? "

His eyes widen, he's embarrassed and surprised by my question.

"Well there is always a place to sleep. "

He smiles but it doesn't reach his brown eyes.

I don't know how to put my words without making it look like I'm insinuating that he's homeless.

"Do you have a place of your own to spend the night in? Don't get me wrong, I was just wondering where you stay, since you left home. "

"It's okay. No, I don't have somewhere to stay tonight but by tomorrow I'd get an apartment. I finally saved up enough money for it. "

He smiles again but he's trying to stop his eyes from meeting mine. I didn't mean to embarrass him really, I was just concerned.

"You can spend the night here, " I say.

I just think he needs rest in a healthy place. I don't even know how my parents would react to that, if he spent the night here.

"Paige I'm fine. Besides I don't want your dad to sack me. I'm not ready to lose a job. Don't worry, I'm crashing at a friend's just for tonight. "

Summer After High SchoolTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang