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Trigger warning
"Look Katie, I think it'd be a really good idea if you were to talk to a therapist. Maybe-", Brian began.

"What?! No! Brian I don't need some stupid stranger to talk to about my feelings", I spat.

"It will help you relieve some stress", Audrey offers.

"My parents are psychologists, they'd be happy to have you as a patient. What if I set you up an appointment, yeah?", Liam asks.

I quickly stood from my chair.

"How many times do i have to say no till you understand that I don't want help!!", I spat.

"Katie-", Brian begins.

"No! Just stop Brian, just stop!!", I cry tears rolling down my cheeks.

I stomp up the stairs to my room, and slam the door shut. I lock it behind me and walk into the bathroom.

I need a razor.

I lock the door behind me and open up my cabinets. My eyes land on a brand new green razor.

I smile to myself and grab it from its packaging.

I cut deep into my wrist and watch blood trickle down my wrist.

There. Just one. All i deserve.

I grab toilet paper and quickly shove it to my wrist. I smile in content.

I knew it'd make me feel better.

"Katherine Zeele, open up the door this instant!", Brian says faintly.

I roll my eyes and throw on an oversized sweater.

I open up the door and fold my arms.

"What?", I say.

"Katie, i know how tough it is", Brian says.

"You don't", I say rolling my eyes.

"I do bug", Brian says.

"You're not the one getting shots. You're not the one getting examined. You're not the one-", I begin.

"Katherine, i do! I get shots too ya know! I do!", Brian says.

"But you don't mind it", I say.

"I don't enjoy it", Brian says back.

"Where's Audrey and Liam?", I ask.

"They left, they have work", Brian says.

I nod.

"Brian i just want to be left alone", I mumble.

"Katie talking about it will help you", Brian says.

"No! I don't need help!", I yell.

"Yes! You do!", Brian yells back.

"Just stop", I whine.

Brian shakes his head at the floor.

"I'll be in my office then", Brian mumbles walking away.

I sigh and feel a hot tear roll down my cheek.

Fricking hate my life.

Finally the update you have all been waiting for! Woohoo! Love you guys (:
Sending hugs to all of you! Thank u guys for being the best internet friends EVER

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