9. Promise

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Katie pov.

When Brian said i could go home, my heart nearly jumped put of my chest! I was ready to get out of this hospital.

"Josh we can give you a ride home. And same for you Angelica", Brian said.

"Thanks doc", Josh said.

"Josh please, I'm not at the office, call be Brian", Brian said.

"It just feels weird..", Josh said looking at me and smiling.

I looked down and blushed.

"Someone has a crushhhh", Angelica said.

"What, who?", I asked a little too quickly.

I turned and looked at Josh who was turning red.

I giggled.

"Okay! Let's get going!", Brian said walking towards me putting on some gloves.

"What are you..gonna do?", I asked shyly.

"Sis i need to take your IV out", Brian said.

"Won't that..hurt?", I asked softly.

Josh walked to the other side of the bed.

"You'll be fine cheerleader", Josh said taking my hand in his.

"Ok, wait. Why do you call her cheerleader", Brian asked suspiciously.

"Well because, she is a cheerleader. And it's her nickname", Josh said smiling at me.

"So, josh..katie..tell me how you go met", Brian asked looking at me.

"Well i mean, he just called my name..and then we started talking and-OUCH", I yelled.

Brian taped a bandaid down on my hand. "Element of surprise bug", he said.

"No no no, don't like that", I said getting up from the hospital bed.

"Well you didn't cry now did you?", Brian asked.

Ugh, embarrassing.

"No", i stated.

"Well then, no tears no fears", Brian said helping me up from the bed.

"Lets go home Brian", I said tiredly.

"Yea bug, we'll drop off josh and Angelica first though, okay?", Brian asked.

"Yeah", I said.

"Can i not wear a hospital gown? It's embarrassing", i said blushing as Josh looked me up and down as i walked to where he stood.

"I have your cheer uniform only, do you want to wear that?", Angelica offered.

"Yeah", I said taking it from her hands and walking to the bathroom.

I quickly changed and redid my hair and bow.

I walked out to where Josh, Brian, and Angelica stood talking.

"Alright let's go", I said making a motion towards the door.

"Now you look like a cheerleader", Josh said hugging me.

"Thanks Josh", I said blushing.

"Alright to the car we go", Brian said rolling a wheelchair to my view.

"What? No!", I said. Heck no!

"Katie come on, hospital rules, Brian said gently pushing me to sit down.

"No! I don't want to! I can walk!", I said. "I look like an injured preppy cheerleader!!", I whined.

"Katie please, we need to get going. Traffic is heavy already", Brian said.

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