16. Operation

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I felt a hand grab mine and i saw it was Brian.

"Honey, please calm down. I have to go back to work at the office. My office has been way to busy since I left. Can you stay with Liam for me?", Brian asked.

"You have to go??", I asked meekly.

"Bug I'm sorry, but the receptionist called and so did Angelica. Patients are getting mad, and you know how that is", Brian said.

"Okay, then go bro, I'll be good", I said.

"I'm so sorry i have to leave. Liam do you mind staying?", Brian asked.

"Of course not, it's an honor. I'll watch her like a hawk", Liam said with a smile.

"Thank you guys", Brian said giving me a hug.

"Liam if something happens take her to urgent care or the emergency room and give me a call", Brian said.

"Got it", Liam said.

"Wait am i at risk for that?!", I asked.

"Bug, i don't know.. but just in case okay?", Brian said.
"I don't know if you'll need the treatment again, and it's against the rules for me to bring those meds to my home. But liam's got you, alright?", Brian said.

I trusted him. Liam was trustworthy and I knew that.

"Okay, Bri okay", I said.

"Well gotta run, be good Bug and thanks again Liam", Brian said hurrying out the door.

I hopped off the examination table.

"So what do you wanna do?", Liam asked.

"Well first let's get outta this room, let's go downstairs to the living room", I said shivering from the sudden flashback of my fear.

"Alrighty", Liam said following me down the stairs.

We took a seat on the couches and I said "board game?"

"Sure", he replied.

I walked over to the cabinet and picked out Brian's favorite. Operation.

I cleared the coffee table and set it down.

"Oh my gosh haha", Liam said laughing at my choice.

"You like?", I said.

"Yupp", Liam said sitting on the carpet on the opposite side of me.

"You go first", I said.

"No, you!", Liam said.

"You can, you're the guest", I said.

"You, I'm the babysitter", Liam said.

I rolled my eyes. "I am 14 i don't need a babysitter", I said.

"I'm in charge", Liam shot back.

I giggled. "Trueee"

"Haha I'll go first then", I said pressing the nose on the board game.

It made the rubber band/elastic noise.

"Ooo yess! Easy one!", i said using the tweezers to grab the elastic.

"Me!!", Liam said pressing the noise. The flushing of toilet came.

"Oo toughie", he said.

I smiled. I liked Liam. Not in the romantic kind of way, but as in the..humane way..

"Good thing I've got the skills if ya know what i mean", Liam said reaching for the toilet with the tweezers.

The loud buzzing noise was heard.

"Oo my turn!", I said.

"Dagnabbit!!", Liam said causing me to laugh.

But laughing caused me to gag. And gagging caused me to, throw up. I ran to the restroom that was only 15 feet from me. And i vomitted into the toilet.

Liam came running and gently patted my back. My throat burned!

"OH MY GOSH", Liam said.

I opened my eyes and saw blood. I had thrown up blood.

I looked up at Liam.

"What in the name of unicorn is happening to me?", I asked...

AN- wow! Another update, finally! Comment and vote peeps! Leave ideas for the cast(:

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