7. It takes two

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Brian Pov.
As Katie was getting off my truck, she somehow slipped, hit her head, and landed on the concrete.
"Katie!", I yelled.

I quickly fell to my knees and used my fingers to check her pulse.
"Oh thank God", I whispered after feeling the beats.

"I'll go into the building and ask Dr.Evans for either a gurney or a wheelchair", Angelica said.

"Yes, aim for a gurney", I said firmly.
"Thank you so much Angelica, I honestly have no clue what I'd do without you", I said.

"No problem doc, I'll get right to it", Angelica said running towards the building.

I held onto Katie's hand. She has been through so much. And her symptoms are telling me that she could possibly have pneumonia, asthma, or a heart condition.

I grabbed my penlight from my coat pocket and used my fingers to softly open up her eyelids.

"Concussion", I whispered.

Angelica came rushing with Dr.Evans and two male nurses.

I quickly stood to my feet.
"Hi Dr.Evans", I said reaching for a hug.

She has been my doctor for as long as I could remember. After my parents died, she was so supportive to me and my sister.

"Hi honey", she said hugging me back.

The male nurses and Angelica slowly lifted Katie up onto the gurney.

"She has a concussion, very high fever, headaches, vision splotching, and a sore throat", I said describing Katie's symptoms. "She has also thrown up numerous times with no breakfast"

"Got it, we'll have to hook her up to an Iv, get some meds to help the fever go down, and we'll see what we can do when she wakes up", Dr.Evans said.
"We'll take her to the Evan Hospital"

Now let me explain, Dr.Evans had a clinic and a hospital right next door to each other.

"Alright, I'm so thankful you're doing this. I really need to be in brother mode for her. Ever since she got past her fear of doctors, our bond has grown. She may be startled when she wakes up though", I said.

"No worries. I can handle it Brian. Trust me, I'm sure you remember past doctor visits", Dr.Evans said holding open the door to the emergency room.

I nodded.
"Thank you", I whispered.

We quickly rushed Katie into a hospital room and i picked her up and set her on the hospital bed.
"Can one of you get a bucket? She has been vomitting non stop", I said.

One of the nurses nodded and left the room.

"Can i get an Iv prep?", I asked the other nurse.

"Yes of course", the nurse said walking to a cabinet.

"Brian go ahead and set her up, we'll examine her after her room is set up", Dr.Evans said. "I'm going to go do some final rounds but I'll be back quick. Do what you think is best hon, you're a doctor too", she said before leaving.

She was right.

The nurse handed me the Iv prep. I put on some rubber gloves and took a deep breath. I grabbed the machine and connected the tube to the needle. I gently picked up Katie's hand and inserted the needle into her vein.
I turned the machine on, and asked the nurse to get some fever reducers going.

"Angelica can you find me a pulse/heart monitor pack?",I asked.

"Yup, I'm on it", Angelica said walking from the room.

The other nurse came back and set a bucket at the end of the bed.

"Thank you. May i ask your name?", I said.

"Jim, sir", the nurse said.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Brian", I said giving him a handshake.

"Fever reducers on", the other nurse said.

"And your name?", I asked.

"Carlos", he said.

"Nice to meet you, thank you for the help", I said.

"Brian here's the heart monitor", Angelica said handing me tubes with suction cup like things at the end.

"Thank you", I said taking them from her.

"Carlos? Jim? Can one of you set this up. Get three on her upper chest and two on the lower", I said.

"You got it", Jim said taking them from my hands.

"Awesome, thanks", i said.

I just wanted Katie to wake up. I just wanted to hear her voice and i wanted to feel her hand squeezing mine.

My poor baby sister wasnt feeling good at all. I could only imagine what she was feeling physically.

"Ok, all set", Jim said referrring to the heart monitor.

"Can you take her temperature too?", I asked.

"Yep", Jim said using a thermometer to swipe against her forehead.

"Alright, it's 102.9", Jim read aloud.

"Oh thank God, its already decreasing", I said with relief.

Angelica placed a hand on my shoulder "everything is going to be okay", she said.

"I know, i just I feel like my brother mode is finally kicking in", I said referring to how Katie speaks. Brother mode, doctor mode, haha.

"You need to be with her here as both", Angelica said.

"Both?", I questioned.

"Mhmm yeah both. Be a to her now, to meet her medical needs. But be a brother to her, to fulfill her emotional feelings. This all must be too much for her, don't you think?", Angelica questioned.

"Uh erm yea", I stuttered. "I get what you mean"

"Brian?", we heard a small voice.
Katie. It was Katie's voice.

Ooo cliffhanger!! Hope you guys enjoyed reading from Brian's perspective! Chapter 8 should hopefully be put up soon.

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