14. It was all fine Until

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After putting my pajamas on i slid into Brian's bed. We were going to watch "Fireproof". It's a movie about a firefighter. It's only 5pm anyways.

A few minutes later, Brian slid into the other side of the bed and turned to face me.

"Hey buggie", he whispered.

"Hi, big brother", I said back.

"How are you feeling?", he asked.

I sighed. Not good. At all. I need to throw up, again. I just don't...want to.

"Katie??", Brian asked touching my hand.

"Brian", I said calmly. "Can you be a dear and hand me your trash can?", I asked.

"The uhm-", Brian stuttered.

"Please", I said again.

Brian got up from the bed and handed me the waiste basket from the corner.

I grabbed it and vomited right into it.

"Oh my gosh!", Brian said.

I lifted my head from the basket and saw Brian turning on the light.

I quickly put my head back into the basket.

I didn't want him to touch me. I didn't want him to find something else that was wrong. I wanted to be left alone.

"Katie, bug, look up so I can take a look at you", Brian gently said.

"No!", I whined.

"Katie please", Brian said.

"Nooo", I whined. I still, did not remove my head from the basket.

I felt a hand touch my knee.

I jumped up and looked Brian in the eye.

"Don't touch me, leave me alone!!", I cried. Tears poured down my face. I was crying unstopppably, and i wanted to stop. But.. i couldn't.

I headed towards the door to leave, but Brian blocked the doorway.

"Katie, baby why are you crying? You're sick again, baby let me help you", he said.

"No! Let me leave!!!", I cried.

"Katie. Seriously, you've thrown up again, don't you want to be better?!", Brian asked leaning forward to hug me.

I jerked away. "Stop!!"

"Katie!! What the heck?! I just want to hug you, I'm not gonna hurt you!!", Brian said worriedly.

"Stop!", I cried falling to the ground to cry. In the meantime, i of course had to get a stupid rug burn on my knee!

I cried harder. Today was too eventful for me. High school, hospitals.. too much.

"Katie", Brian whispered.

I looked up at him.

"No", I said putting my head in my hands to sob.

Brian pov.
Now i have no idea what happened. She just threw up, and was nonstop tears.
I tried hugging her, comforting her.. but it was no use. She wanted nothing to do with me.

I watched as she cried. The way she looked at me with sad eyes.

I need help, and i know who to call.

Katie doesn't know this, but i have an intern working with me at my office. He's a college student in training to be a future pediatrician. A requirement of college requires students to find a doctor to assist and to perform simple medical procedures.

I have many patients, and decided to pick a college student. Liam is his name. He is very smart, and is great with kids. His parents are both psychologists, so he has a really good sense of talking to patients.

I'd call Liam to help me, and i know he wouldn't refuse. Maybe i need to be in brother mode again for my bug. I'm not sure, but.. I'll fo anything it takes.

I'm honestly debating on whether to call Josh. Knowing Katie, she might not want him here. She might get embarrased. You never know with her.

I looked back at Katie. Crying, still.

"I'll be right back", I said leaving the room to get my phone.

I grabbed my phone and called Liam

The call..
L: hello?
B: Liam, it's be Brian.
L: Dr.Zeele yes, whats up?
B: Liam, call me Brian, please.
L: i uh, okay..haha i feel so unprofessional haha
B: well Liam, I'm in need of your skills.
L: huh?
B: my sister, Katie, she uh she needs some medical attention. I'll text you the details..
L: Oh my goodness, oh yes.. of course I'll help. My God, that's so nice of you to think of me
B: you're good at what you do Liam
L: that means so much
B: 1765 East Nector rd, please come as soon as you can
L: right away on my way. You'll text me the details right?
B: yup
L: alright, I'll be there in 10 minutes
B: thank you, see you in a bit
L: byeee

I walked back into my bedroom where Katie was still crying. Less, but crying.

"Katie, buggie go to your room and lay down sweetie. Watch a movie and relax for a bit. I have a friend coming over for dinner", I said.

"For dinner?! Do i change?!?!", Katie looked up with fear.

"No hon, just stay the way you are", I said leaning for a hug.

She moved away.
"No", she whimpered.

I sighed.

Katie ran out of the room and to her bedroom right next door.

I texted Liam all the details of the day, and sat down in the living room.

Hopefully, this goes well.

Hey guys! So, chapter is up!! Finally!
#new character
I'm thinking of making a cast list, for who is who.
Any ideas?
Please comment any celebrities you'd think would make a good fit to these characters.
All suggestions welcome!!
Zac Efron maybe for Liam?? Maybe even Liam Payne???
Let me know!!!!

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