3. Morning

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"Beep beep beep", my alarm clock rang.

I quickly hopped out of bed. But i quickly sat down again, i got dizzy. Ugh. Wait...

I tiptoed to Brian's office in search of a thermometer.

I opened the door, and found one in a drawer.

I quickly took my temperature, and noticed it was 101°F.

I was sick!!! Which means, i should stay home..
But..practically the whole town knows I'm Brian's little sister.
Everyone would probably think i was faking it.

I sighed and tiptoed back to my room.

I put on my cheer uniform, and shoes.

I combed up my hair and tied my cheer bow. I took a look in the mirror. Just a little mascara, and I'd be set.

I looked at the clock 6:45.
School starts at 7:15

I still had time. I grabbed my backpack and headed down the stairs. Brian is probably up. He has work at 8Am.

"Hey bug! Aww you look aweosme!!", Brian said.

"Thanks!", I said giving him a kiss on his cheek.

"You ready for today?", he asked.

"Mm not really", I said.

"Well, what do you want for breakfast?", Brian asked.

"I'll just eat at school, they serve free breakfast", I said.

"You sure? You'd rather eat that goop?", Brian asked.

"Mhmm", I said.
"Brian, can i tell you something?"

"What bug?", Brian said.

"I'm not feeling well at all. I have a fever too", I said.

"Katie it's just your nerves. You'll be fine", Brian said grabbing his keys.

"But it's not the nerves", i said.

"Katie it's okay bug, let's get going", Brian said.

He doesn't believe me, great. Ugh.
"We still have so much time", I said pleadingly.

"Well for one thing you have to eat, see your friends, go to your locker, and get to your class on time", Brian said. "I think we should leave now, I'll catch up on some paperwork at the office"

"Ugh fine, let's go", I said.

We walked outside and to the truck.

"Careful, with the truck!", Brian reminded me.

"I know, I know", I said.

The high school was about ten minutes away from where we lived.

Brian started driving. My head and stomach were already pounding with nerves.

"You'll be fine", Brian said as if reading mind.

"I know, I said trying to sound confident.

We arrived at the high school.

"Good luck bug. Call if you need anything", Brian said.

I got out of the car quickly, my hands were shaking. I really did not feel well, I cannot believe Brian did not believe me.

"Thanks bro, bye! Have a good day!!", I said quickly walking.

"Hey, cheerleader!", i heard a males voice call.

I turned. "Me?", I asked.

"Yeah, you", the cute boy said walking to me.

"You're Dr.Zeele's sister?", he asked.

"Oh um, yeah. My name's Katie", I said smiling. Boy is he cute!

"Well nice to meet you, I'm Josh", he said shaking my hand.

"Oh um, nice to meet you", I said. "How do you know my brother?", I asked. "How do you know me??"

"I'm a patient. I'm also a freshman. Brian told me you're also coming here, he wanted us to meet", Josh said.

"Oh he did?", I asked.

"Yep. Um, Katie are you okay? You look really, what's the word, um like pale and sweaty", Josh said.

"I'm fine", I said firmly. "Just nerves", i said.

"What's your first period?", Josh asked changing the subject.

"Gym, with umm Mr.Alkai", I said.

"No way! Me too! We can walk there together", Josh offered.

"Oh I'd love that", I said.

"Let's get going, we can walk and talk there", Josh said. .

"Sounds good", I said.

"I didn't know you're a cheerleader. It must be strange having a brother as a doctor, i'd imagine", Josh said as we turned a corner.

"Ugh you're so right! It's like every sore muscle i get, Brian goes crazzayy!!", I said.

"Oh i could imagine", Josh said with a laugh.
"He's a good doctor, he's been my doctor since he first became one", Josh told me.

"Oh that's so cool", I said.
"I wonder why he wanted us to meet", I said.

"Well i asked him that too, he told me that i seem like a good guy to be friends with his baby sister. And how could i possibly reject the opportunity to hang out with a girl", Josh said holding the door to the gym open for me.

I blushed. "Oh haha", I managed.


Josh and i quickly ran to the sign in sheet.

"Hey, we're sitting next to each other!!", I said.

"Oh nice! Another opportunity to get to know you better!", Josh said giving me a wink.

We quickly sat down in our assigned spots. This will be interesting.

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