2. It's all in the head

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I sat on the couch for an hour, pondering what could possibly happen the next day. So much bad! Now, I know what you're thinking. You're probably thinking "you're a cheerleader, you shouldn't be nervous!" Well, I am!!!

I decided to text my friend Emelia.


K: Hey
E: Heyy, wassup
K: Nothing really
E: Are you wearing your cheer uniform tomorrow?
K: Yea, u?
E: YUP, we should take a pic
K: Sounds like a plan
E: Are you nervous?
K: YES, OMG so nervous!!!
E: same
K: Brian keeps telling me everything will be okay, but I'm still hella nervous.
E: Well, listen to the doc
K: Yea, I guess
E: I gtg, my mom is in need of my assistance
K: Lol, bye!
E: See ya tomorrow
K: xox


I turned off my phone, that was of no help. At least I'm not the only nervous one. I went up the stairs to my room. I got my cheer uniform out and a matching bow. Brian got me brand new cheer shoes, so i got the box and put it on my bed.
My outfit was ready!

I sat on my bed. What else could i do? My backpack was ready, and so was all of my supplies. I started pacing around my room. Thinking of all the bad that could happen, thinking of how stupid i am.

Brian walked in.
"Katie, honey calm down", Brian said.

"I can't!!", I said.

"Katie, please calm down. It'll all be okay. You're overthinking this", Brian said.

"Believe me, i know", I said.

"Do your new cheer shoes fit?", Brian said changing the subject.

"Yeah, I love them! I tried them on yesterday", I said.

"You deserved them", Brian said smiling.

"Thank you", I said.

"How are you going to do your hair?", Brian asked.

"High ponytail", I said.

"Niiice", Brian said trying to seem interested.

"Yeah", I said.

"No heavy makeup", he said firmly.

"Oh Brian, you know i don't do that", I said rolling my eyes.

"Haha I know, just wanna make it clear.

I knew what Brian was up to. He was trying to get my mind off things. It was working.

"Thank you Brian", I said hugging him.

"For what, bug?", he asked.

"For getting my mind off things", I said.

"It's working?", he asked.

"Yeah", I said.

"Well i guess I'm doing my job, now aren't I?", he asked.

"Haha yeah", I said.

"You honestly don't have to be nervous. Trust me, it'll seem scary at first, but you'll really like it. Plus, you're a cheerleader, people will think you know what you're doing", Brian said.

I smiled. It's crazy to think what people think of cheerleaders.

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