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Katie POV.
After the rather.. heartwarming moment, Dr. Andrews stepped into the room with a warm smile.

"Alright, how are we doing in here?", he asked looking me in the eye.

"Okay, I guess", I said looking down at my lap.
Dr. Andrew's sighed.
"You're in good hands Katie, we'll choose the best form of treatment for you based on your age and how bad the cancer is", the doctor said with a soft smile.
"What type of cancer is it exactly?", I asked.
"Leukemia", the doctor replied.
"oh", I whispered.
"We have other children in this hospital fighting this form of cancer as well. I'm sure you'd like to meet them, they've all grown very close to each other. Good therapy if I do say so", Dr.Andrew's said nodding.
I smiled, I'm always in the mood for new friends. I've got a feeling I'll be coming here for treatment quite a few times.
"Sorry to intrude, but will Katie stay in this room? Or will she be moved?I understand she only comes for the treatment, but I was just wondering", Brian asked.
"Katie will be moved to another part of the hospital. She'd be sharing a room with another female patient fighting leukemia. Unless you'd want her to have her own room of course", Dr.Andrew's said with a slight nod.
"Oh I'd like to share a room",I softly said. Being alone in a hospital room? Nuh uh.
The doctor smiled.
"Of course, I'll let your nurse know. We'll have you moved in hopefully by tomorrow. Tonight you'll sleep in this room, but you'll be in your new room soon.", he said.
I nodded. "Sounds good to me, thank you", I added.
"Your new roommate will be so glad to have you, you guys will be getting treatment at the same time, so you'll be seeing each other often", Dr.Andrew's said.
I nodded. "Can't wait till I meet her"
"Well, visiting hours are over in fifteen minutes. Not trying to rush you or anything. But get a good night's rest Katie, tomorrow will be a handful. Have a  good night", he said nodding to Brian.
"Thank you", Brian said formally. Doctor mode!!!!!
"Well I better get going, I have school tomorrow", Josh said standing from his chair.
"Thank you for coming Joshie, and thanks for the teddy", I said holding the stuffed toy tightly next to me.
"I'll be back tomorrow cheerleader, after school. Give or take a few hours", Josh said.
I sighed. My cheerleading days are over, or at least till I'm cured. If I'm cured, that is.
I ignored the thought and smiled.
"Have a good night Joshie, and have a good day at school tomorrow", I said.
Josh leaned down and kissed my forehead.
"Bye baby", he said walking towards the door.
"bye", i said with a small wave.
After the door had shut I turned to Liam who had also stood up.
"I'll be going too, work tomorrow. I'll stop by soon Katie", Liam said.
"Thank you for the help today", I said.
Liam nodded and walked to the door. Before closing it behind him he turned to look at me.
"Good night unicorn", he said with a small laugh.
I giggled, my reputation, he he.
I gave him a small wave before he walked off.
I was now left alone with Brian. He'd most likely go home, he had work tomorrow as well.
"Well Bri, I'll see you tomorrow", I said breaking the silence.
"I wish I could stay the night with you, and spend the entire day here tomorrow", Brian said.
"You have an office to run Brian. Patients are depending on you", I said.
"I know, but I want to be with you entirely",Brian said.
I smiled.
"I might be able to hire a young doctor fresh from residency. That will give me some extra time", Brian suggested.
"Brian we'll do what we can, but don't worry too much about me. I'm not going to be alone", I said.
"It's cancer Katie. I'd like to be by your side for the most part", Brian said uneasily.
"Like I said, we'll do what we can. Go home, get some rest. Tomorrow just go to work and after your shift come with me", I said.
"No, I'll come on my lunch break", Brian added.
"No, because during your lunch break you'll be sitting in your office on your computer looking for people to hire", I said.
Brian smiled. " okay bug"
"Now go home! I'll see you tomorrow after your shift", I said laughing.
"okay okay I'm going, but expect a visit from Liam tomorrow. I'm sending him as my personal messenger", Brian said standing from his chair.
"Oh my gosh Brian we can just text!", I said.
Brian laughed as he walked to the door.
"we're face timing alright?", he asked.
"Okay fine whatever, but leave! I need my beauty sleep!!",I said.
Brian rolled his eyes.
"good night bug, I'll see you tomorrow", Brian said.
"night! Turn off the light please!!", I said.
I heard Brian chuckle as the light turned off, and the door gently closed.
I was now left alone with my thoughts.
Tomorrow shall be.. Quite an adventure.
I sighed as my eyes closed and I drifted off into a much needed sleep.
AN: hey guys! Finally the update, I promised!! Hopefully the next chapter will be done soon.

I'm working on a new book called "Beauty", so definitely go check that out. He he.
Let me know what ya think!!! (:


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