Chapter 8

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Author's Note: I want to thank everyone who comments and votes on this story!!! I also want to thank everyone for actually READING my story! :) without you and your support this book would go no where.. So thank you EVERYONE! :)) xx


I woke up the next morning and stretched and turned over and looked at the clock 6:24 am. Dang I woke up early. I sat up and looked at my couch in my room and saw Niall sound asleep, I smiled to myself and got up to go pee. After I peed I checked my reflection in the mirror and combed my hair out and went back to lay down. I fell right back asleep.


"Wake up Faith!" Niall screamed in my ear. I jerked up and accidentally head butted Niall.

"Ow. Gosh dang Niall." I groaned and rubbed my head. "What time is it?" I asked blinking.

"Ummm." he looked at the clock. "5 minutes past noon." he smiled at me. "Get up and get ready we're taking you out for Lunch." he stood up and smiled at me.

"We're?" I asked and he nodded and walked out of my room. I got up and walked to my closet pulling out dark blue skinny jeans and a white t-shirt that had dark blue strips on it. I went to the bathroom and curled my hair into spirals and brushed my teeth. I sprayed my favorite perfume Forever Orchid and then walked downstairs. "Hey guys." I said and they all stared at me and laughed. "What?" I asked looking confused, and that's when I saw Louis. He was wearing the exact same thing as me only not skinny jeans and a boys striped shirt. "Oh Lord." I faceplamed and all the boys laughed at me.

"Look Faithy we match!" Louis squeals and runs up to me and wraps his arm around me. I shrug it off and groan.

"Great." I said sarcastically and start towards the door.

"She's not a morning person." I heard Louis tell the boys and they all laugh. I turn and glare at them and they all go silent.

"Where are we eating at?" I asked as we all piled into the van. Niall and Harry say beside me, Louis is driving and Liam and Zayn sat in front of me.

"Nandos!!!" Niall screams and we all laugh.

"Maybe we should eat somewhere else besides Nandos. We eat there all the time." Zayn says and Niall turns slowly towards him and gives him the most evil glare ever. "Or we can eat there fine with me." Niall smiles and we all laugh harder. I lean foward and get close to Zayn's ear.

"Nice save." I whisper to him and he laughs and smiles.

"Faith." Harry said.

"Harry." I stated.

"You still mad at Louis for when he ruined your pageant?" he whispered in my ear and I tensed and remembered that day. I didn't say anything to him but the look I gave him told him enough that I was. "You know he's really sorry and he wants to go back and change it." Harry whispers in my ear.

"Did he put you up to this." I state more than ask him.

"No." Harry said and sat back.

"What are you two talking about?" Liam asked us.

"Nothing." I say and cross my arms. The boys laugh and I just glare. I really ain't a morning person. We arrive at Nandos and we pile out of the car and go inside the restraunt.

"Hi. How many people?" a young man asked and looks at me.

"6." Louis says and steps in front of me protectively.

"Right this way." he leads us to a table and gives us our menus. "What would you like to drink?" he asks me.

"Water." I stated and he then asked everyone else and left.

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