Chapter 21: Hot Chocolate and Butterbeers

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Harry slumped onto one of the chairs in the kitchen drowsily, Percy doing the same. The two sat next to the scolding fire, almost twice as large as the Gryffindor Tower's.

"So, you nervous for the competition in a couple days?" Percy waved in thanks as one of the house-elves scurried towards him, with a cup of hot chocolate in hand.

Another house-elf handed Harry a mug, just as Percy began slurping down the warm, comforting drink, "Oh my gods, this is amazing." Percy continued to gulp it down.

Harry rubbed his eyes, sleepiness slowly coming back after the shock of his nightmare, "Merlin's Beard, I forgot the First Task is in 3 days!" he drank his hot chocolate momentarily, before lowering the mug, "I'll probably be dead in the first few minutes..."

Percy shook his head, "Don't say that! Look, you'll be fine..." he sighed, almost debating whether to say anything further. Finally, he gave into talking, "You have any idea what the First Task is?"

Harry furrowed his eyebrows. Was he asking for himself? Was he just trying to become friendly, in hopes to gain favor in the competition? For a second, Harry was angry and spat back hurriedly, "No. I have no idea whatsoever."

He seemed unaware of his hostile tone. Percy glanced around the room quickly to see if anyone was watching, then whispered, "I do."


Percy lowered his mug, his upper lip now wore a chocolaty mustache from his drink, "Thalia saw them a few weeks ago... We decided to go explore... Harry, I'm pretty sure we're going to have to fight a dragon."

"What!?" Harry tried his best to hush his surprised tone, "Merlin, how the bloody hell is anyone going to survive that!?"

He shrugged, "That's all I know. Thalia spotted some flames up in the Forbidden Forest, then dragged us down to check it out," he continued to drink his cocoa, now mournfully, "Gods, I bet its dangerous."

Harry was unaware to what Percy really meant. The demigod knew that he couldn't just use his sword and godly powers in front of the audience... he'd have to complete the task inconspicuously. Which would be a lot harder...

Harry sighed, taking another sip from his beverage as well, "Guess they really were serious about it being deadly. Does anyone else know?"

"What do you mean?"

"Does any of the other competitors know about the dragons?"

Percy shrugged, "Never thought about that... They weren't exactly hiding, and I think Hagrid would've been part of it if they were that close to his house," Percy looked up at the ceiling, deep in thought, "He's a nice guy, Hagrid. But I don't think he can keep a secret for that long..."

"How do we get past a dragon? A fire-breathing dragon?" Harry slammed his cup onto the table, slightly in frustration. Percy chuckled, 

"Ask Hermione. I have no clue."


The two boys spent hours talking, usually stumbling upon hilarious stories. But to be quite honest, Harry noticed that Percy would always brush over the topic of his family... Well, no matter. He didn't really want to talk about the Dursleys either.

Finally, they finished their 4th cup of hot chocolate, which even Percy had to admit was quite excessive, so they returned to the dormitories.

They awkwardly waved goodnight, as they returned to their individual beds and stared up towards the ceiling.

Percy sat up for a moment before saying, "You know Harry, I can see that we can be weird at times,... but you can trust us." He sighed, shaking his head as if it was stupid to comment, then quickly fell asleep.

Percy Jackson and the Triwizard Tournament (Goblet of Fire)Where stories live. Discover now