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"So...what do you think?" Yoongi asks as he sits in a big brown leather chair in front of the head of Big Hit. There's three people in front of him to help make the decision.

Yoongi had just recently showed the head of Big Hit his audition video and even though he was there while they watched it, he still had no idea what was going on in their million dollar making brains.

One of the people dressed in a black suit begins talking. "Min Yoongi. We...we didn't like it."

"Y-You didn't like it." Yoongi more as a statement and not the question it originally was meant to be.

The three men shake their heads in sorrow. "We're sorry...we love it."

That had Yoongi standing up quickly in shock, the legs of the chair squeaking on the flooring. Never has he ever acted this way before, but his hands shoot to his head as they grab it, in shock of course. "You loved it?! Seriously?! What does this mean?" He questions.

"We'd like to give you a career as a rapper, that's what you wanted isn't it? We'll set you up with a manager and a studio you can work in." Two of the men leave and now Yoongi is talking to the actual big deal. "We're sorry, but we can't give you a dorm or a place to stay just yet, you have to work so much and earn so much before we're allowed that."

A light weight was lifted off Yoongi's shoulder. He knew that Big Hit was recognised for giving their employees apartments and dorms, he's glad he doesn't have to leave Jimin.

"T-Thank you so much!" Yoongi has never been this happy for five minutes in his life.

"That's all. We have your contact information so we will call you with the details. Here's the keys to your new studio, though. You should be able to find it with ease. Goodbye, Mr. Min."

Yoongi immediately runs out of the office. Jimin, who has been waiting outside, was leaning against the wall, trying not to slip out again ad he waited.

He hears the office door being flung open and a very energetic Yoongi walks out. "What happened?"

"Jimin, I got the job!"

"You got the job?"

"I got the job!"

Yoongi can't help but embrace the younger and squeeze him tightly. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." He repeats over and over again.

"Thank you for what, hyung?" The younger giggles. He feels fuzzy and warm inside just by Yoongi's hug.

"Thank you for giving me a place to stay so I didn't have any more shit to stress about. I don't know, just thanks!" The elder finally pulls away. "Do you want to see my new studio?"

Jimin nods frantically and jumps up and down slightly, feeling littler. They both speed walk down the aisle hall way, searching for a specific door. They continue until they have walked through six hallways and they stop at a door that says 'rappers.' Guess what's behind that door? Another hallway!

"It's here somewhere...ah! 003!" Yoongi fumbles with the key out of desperation and nervousness. Once the lock has been opened, he opens the door to be met with yet another door. It had a pad lock! Coming up with a random sequence of numbers, Yoongi presses enter and a ding echos before the door is unlocked.

"Woah." Jimin squeaks out from behind Yoongi.

The elder is speechless. There in front of them is a good sized studio room. It has a big black desk with three computer monitors angled towards the center along with individual keypads and mice. Above the desk, mounted on the wall is a huge, curved flat screen tv with numerous speakers surrounding. The two boys are astonished even though the walls surrounding are blank, probably because they're allowing Yoongi to set his own theme to the room.

Not to mention, a whole music equipment set is set up along the wall along with a keyboard. This is all Yoongi has ever wanted. He knows he's going to spend as much time here as possible. He sits down in the cushiony chair in front of the desk and spins around, forgetting Jimin's existence. A small folder catches Yoongi's eye. He stops spinning for a second to he could read the label. It's an opening packet for the new owner of the office, eh...he pushes it to the side for later.

Just then, a small voice catches Yoongi's ear. "U-Uhm. Yoongi hyung?"

Startled, Yoongi swivels his chair to face Jimin. The boy is looking extremely small and innocent, as if he's lost.

"Jiminie! Do you see all this? Isn't it great?" He asks as the younger takes a seat on the small couch by the door.

He nods. "It's...it's amazing actually. I-I'm super duper happy for you...Yoonie...oh no." The blush creeps up his neck in embarrassment. He's hid it the entire time he's been with Yoongi. After the dance lessons earlier, Jimin forced himself out of Little Space and into head space because he knew Yoongi had things to do beside caring for him, even though he said he would.

"Is Little Jimin here?" Yoongi seems unaffected and just goes along with it.

The little nods his head, he brings his feet up to his chest and hugs his legs.

"Are you hungry?" Yoongi used his legs to paddle himself across the small room and over by Jimin.

He receives another nod.

"How about I go pick up some food, yeah?"

Another nod.

"Why aren't you talking, I told you...you don't have to be scared or embarrassed around me, okay?" He tilts his head and forces it down to meet the younger's pouting one. "I said I'd try to care for you in Little Space and that's what I intend to do."


Yoongi resists himself from patting the other's head and touching his face before he stands up.

"Where goin'?" The small voice cracks ever so slightly.

"It's a surprise." And with that the older leaves the office, locking it up so Jimin couldn't go anywhere and get lost. Hearing the word 'surprise' had little Minnie feeling tons of butterflies in his stomach. His pout had turned into a happy smile and he squeals to himself.

'My daddy is so good!'

Wait what?

'He's not your daddy, Minnie pabo!'

Maybe some day.

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