Apollo's Bad Poems

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Edit 7/5/15: This chapter was edited on July 5.


Apollo has updated his status:

Arty misses me

Because I am so awesome

And so very cool


Artemis: Why are you always so conceited, brother? -.-

Apollo: What? Are you on drugs?

I am just making haikus

I am really hot

Artemis: At least you have the correct amount of syllables... You normally don't.

Apollo: At least I'm trying

It is the thought that counts, k?

Apollo is cool

Artemis: Does the last line always have to be about yourself?

Apollo: Yes, it does, sister

Or it could be the middle

I am so awesome

Artemis: Even I could make better poems than you.

Apollo: Is that a challenge?

Well then, challenge accepted

Mine will be better

Artemis: You know what, forget it.

Artemis has logged off.

Apollo: Where did Arty go?

She must be scared of losing

Because I am cool

Artemis has logged on.

Artemis: Stop calling me Arty!!! >:(

Percy Jackson has updated his status:

What's with Apollo speaking in only haikus lately?


Annabeth Chase: Who knows.

Apollo: I always do this

Like you could do better, kid

I'm so very hot

Annabeth Chase: Oh no...

Percy Jackson: I bet I can do better than you.

Apollo: Go ahead and try

You won't beat me at poems

I'm superior

Percy Jackson: Alright, let me try.

Percy Jackson: Stars are shining bright

Owls hooting in their trees

Silence soon follows

Percy Jackson: Dedicated to my lovely girlfriend ;)

Annabeth Chase: I'm not sure if the end is supposed to mean that it's quiet because the owls got killed...

Percy Jackson: I didn't know how to finish it, so...

Annabeth Chase: I don't think I've ever heard you say a poem before.

Percy Jackson: Eh, don't get used to it.

Percy Jackson: I'm surprised I actually followed the rules of a haiku. I barely passed the poetry unit when we learned it. XD I was just as bad as Apollo

Annabeth Chase: I'm glad you improved, then.

Apollo: Your haiku is bad

Mine makes more sense than yours does

I am very cool

Annabeth Chase: Hate to break it to you, but yours are really bad.

Artemis, Percy Jackson, and 1098 others like this comment.

MidnightDawn_ has updated her status:

Recently, it has come to my attention that someone has copied the description of this story. I will not be saying names, but it is someone else who is writing a Percy Jackson Facebook story. Now, if that person is reading this, you know who you are. All I'm asking is that you please change it. I've had this description since the very first chapter (July 31, 2013). That's all I'm asking. And if that person isn't reading this, then it's just a general message to everybody put there that you shouldn't steal other people's work. You can get in big trouble for it.

This chapter's dedication goes to Jisbonistruelove.

Dedication goes to a commenter!

I just realized that next month this book will officially have it's one year anniversary. :o

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