Oh, the Nostalgia

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Edit 6/8/15: This chapter was edited on June 8.


Percy Jackson has updated his status:

I'm just thinking of when Annabeth held my hand back on our first quest because she was scared.


Annabeth Chase: I never did that!

Malcolm: Why are you blushing?

Annabeth Chase: Shut up, Malcolm!

Malcolm has logged off.

Percy Jackson: We were on Charon's boat to the Underworld! You were scared of all the dead people and Cerberus!

Annabeth Chase: Was not!

Percy Jackson: What about that time when you kissed me on the cheek after we won the chariot races?

Annabeth Chase: How do you remember this stuff?!

Percy Jackson: Or the time that you kissed me for the first time when I blew up Mt. St. Helens on accident?

Annabeth Chase: I only did it because I thought I wouldn't see you again!

Percy Jackson: What about the time you kissed me after you and Tyson made that crappy-tasting cupcake for my birthday?

Percy Jackson: Or what about when we were in that tree a couple days mak-

Annabeth Chase: ANYWAYS my point is that I love you.

Percy Jackson: Love you too! :-)


Percy Jackson: Wow, way to ruin the moment, Aphrodite! >:(

BananaJump has updated her status:

Just thought I'd take a trip down memory lane of some of the cute Percabeth moments. :)

This chapter is dedicated to Goth_peddie.

I still want to know what you're going to be for Halloween! If you haven't told me what you're going to be yet, let me know!

I'm going to start doing shoutouts if it's your birthday. Let me know if you have a birthday coming up! I'll be sure to update on your birthday (if possible) and give you a shoutout!


Happy birthday annabethwisegirl! I hope you have an awesome birthday! :D

MFMClaver came up with some awesome costume ideas for the characters to be for Halloween! I'll be using them in an upcoming chapter! :)

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