Chapter 27

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"No Toothless!" Hiccup shouted at his dragon, "Go after Merida!"

Toothless looked at Hiccup with his sad puppy dog eyes. Sure Toothless liked Merida now, but Hiccup was by far the most important being on the Earth to him. Hiccup saw the hurt in his first friend's eyes. He hated to do this, but he cared for Merida and Toothless more than he did for himself.


Rapunzel tied Jack around her waist and started climbing up her hair. The dragon tried to stay steady in the air, but it was almost impossible while flying. She grunted and nearly made it up when she saw what was happening. Merida was falling. Hiccup was too. Toothless was going after Hiccup. Rapunzel's eyes were on the brink of crying, but she had no time to.

She hoisted herself and Jack onto the dragon and, as quickly as possible, she turned her dragon towards Maleficent. She saw what Merida was doing in the midst of everything and knew she could not go after her. They had to defeat Maleficent.

As much as it pained her, she flew away from Merida and to the opposite side of Maleficent. She was on a dragon that had spikes on it's tail that shot away as it flicked it's tail. Rapunzel used this to her advantage.


Jack was aware of what was going on around him, but he could barely move himself. He found strength that he did not know he had and sat up. Rapunzel was in front of him on a dragon which somehow seemed to give him extra strength.

He brought his staff out of his pocket and tried to fit the pieces back together. No use. He tried again. Nothing. He looked at Rapunzel and everything around him. His eyes closed and he pushed the pieces together as hard as he could.

The staff lit up and stuck together as some sort of bond sewed them back in place. He flew up. Rapunzel noticed, but was too busy to do anything about it.

Jack went straight at the beast.


Despite Hiccup's protests, Toothless still went after him. Soon, Hiccup was back on top of Toothless and he looked for Merida, but she was gone. The smoke from the fire below clouded the area, making it nearly impossible to see anything below. Then he saw a tiny figure falling. He would not be able to reach her in time, so he did what he had to.

He left her and aimed Toothless at the hideous beast before him.

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