Chapter 26

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A/N I'm going on holiday starting tomorrow so I will not be able to update all of this week. Sorry about that. :( To make it up to you, I'll make this chapter a tid bit longer :) I hope you like it! Please comment, share and vote! And thank you for reading!

"WOAH!" Jack said.

Hiccup's eyes widened.

Rapunzel and Merida gasped.

Maleficent was there, they could tell it in the eyes of the beast. Before them was a hideous creature unknown to mankind. Its head was much like a bear's, but about ten to fifteen times larger. It had a belly and wings like a dragons, but huge. Its tail almost looked like it wasn't there at all. It looked like black dust, for every time it twitched, it looked like some of it fell off. All of it, besides the belly, head, and tail was the color of red. Everything else was black, except for it's gigantic green eyes.

"W-What N-now?" Rapunzel asked.

"What's the plan Hiccup!?" Jack yelled as the beast let out an ear piercing sound.

"Attack and don't die!" Hiccup said. He let out a war cry and all the dragons surrounding the creature fired and came closer. "Shoot in it's mouth! If it's anything like a dragon, it's not fireproof on the inside!" Hiccup commanded.

All shot for the eyes and mouth, but nothing seemed to penetrate the beast. Merida shot some arrows in places that looked soft. Jack covered what he could of the thing with ice, but nothing seemed to make a difference. Toothless swooped here and there, shooting fire at the head. It all seemed for nothing.

The head, though it was like a bears, shot fire down to the ground, the whole area lit on fire. The people fighting henchmen were too far away to be affected by the fire, but they kept a steady eye on what was happening in the air.

The monster's tail swung at some dragons. Some of the riders fell off. Toothless was able to dodge this blow. Merida put her bow over her shoulders and grabbed the sword. Hiccup rode Toothless closer to the tail and Merida swung the sword at it. It went right through as the tail was not material enough. "Arrg!" Merida yelled, clearly frustrated.

"We need a different approach," Hiccup said.

"Ya think!?" Merida yelled at him.

Hiccup ignored her and handed her the dagger from his belt.

"What do ye want mey ta do with this? Throw it at it?!"

"No," Hiccup said calmly. "I want you to cut a notch out of the tip end of the handle."

"What?!" Merida asked confused.

"Just do it!" Hiccup yelled back.

Merida started chipping away.

Meanwhile, Maleficent had had enough of getting covered with ice. She swung her gigantic hand/paw at him. He was almost able to get out of the way in time, but it caught his staff. It broke into three pieces. "AAAAAAHHHHH!" He cried out in pain as he fell.

"Jack!" Rapunzel yelled and hurried over to him on her dragon. She wasn't close enough. Quickly, she tied her hair to the dragon, tugged on it to make sure it was tight and jumped.

Rapunzel's momentum off the dragon and the earth's gravity pulled her to Jack. As he was falling, he managed to grab all three pieces of his staff and put them in his sweatshirt pocket. Rapunzel reached him before he hit the ground, but he was limp and heavy. She had a hard time gripping onto him.

"Hmm, now what..." Rapunzel thought aloud. She looked up the the dragon she was dangling off of and down at the fiery forest. She looked at Jack whos eyes were closed and whos face looked weak. Then she looked off to where dragons were still circling the monster.


Merida and Hiccup flew in circles around Maleficent. Toothless kept shooting fire balls at her, but it was practically pointless.

"You got it yet?" Hiccup asked.

"Almost, this sword is hard to cut through," Merida answered.

Hiccup didn't respond. The giant creature who looked nothing like Maleficent looked at them dead in the eye. It knocked all of the other Vikings, soldiers, Scots, and Guardians out of the sky. It was just the two lone riders on Toothless. Rapunzel's dragon was too far away for her to notice.

"Pitiful fools!" Maleficent mocked them. "Where's your army now!?"

The tail suddenly swung around and knocked both of them off of Toothless. Toothless scrambled as he started swinging around in circles headed for the ground. He knew he would not be able to save both of them, so he went for his master.

Merida fell further away from the two. She saw the dragon go after Hiccup and knew it was over for her. She looked at the sword that was still in her hands and understood what she must do.

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