Chapter 18

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A/N: I'm sorry this story probably isn't any good. :( Oh well. I'll probably still add to this sometimes though, just for the sake of boredom. *sigh* 

Oh! And before I forget, the sword is in Merida's room right now. Merida brought it with her when the two teams split up. Okay? Okay, and we resume with the story."

Hiccup woke up on the floor. He looked up to see Toothless comfortable on the bed next to him. "Ugh, Stupid Dragon.." He mumbled to himself. Something hit him in the back of the head. "Ouch!" He looked to see Toothless re-positioning his tail so he was all curled up again. He rolled his eyes and looked at a big clock on the wall. Oh gods, he was late!


Merida sat up in bed, bright eyed and bushy. She quickly got dressed, grabbed her bow and quiver, and went to Hiccup's room. She knocked on the door. No one answered. She shrugged it off, figuring he was still sleeping and went downstairs to find something to eat.  Then, right there, in her very own kitchen, she saw a wisp. "What?" She hadn't seen a wisp since the bear incident. 

Out of curiosity, she followed it. Down the hall, down some stairs, through some doors.. It finally disappeared in what looked like an old dungeon room. Hesitating, she went in. None of the torches were lit, so it was eerily dark. She quickly found a match and lit one. Luckily she had brought her bow and quiver. 

Carrying the torch out in front of her, she looked around. Merida passed empty cell by empty cell. One or two of them had skeletons laying in them, making the scene even creepier. She decided she was going to head back, getting slightly creeped out when something shone in her eyes from one of the cells. Cautiously, she walked toward it and the cell closed behind her!

Quickly, she armed herself. An arrow was already in her bow. Something blew out her torch. She aimed at the darkness.

"Well... Well... Well.."

She recognized the wicked voice. It was like poison to her ears.

"What. Do you. Want? Maleficent." Merida asked.

"Oh, no need to be in such a hurry." Maleficent appeared, casting a green light around the room.

Merida shot an arrow. Maleficent caught it in her hand just before it would have pierced her green face. The arrow disintegrated in her hand. Merida watched the dust fall to the floor.

"You underestimate my powers," Maleficent stated. "But I'm guessing that's because you are just a child, hungry for power."

Merida shot another arrow, this time aiming for her heart. "I am not power hungry!"

Maleficent disappeared and reappeared a little ways away. The arrow clattered against the stone wall and onto the floor. "Deary, of course you are. Everyone is. You for example lack the power you want."

"And what's that?" Merida asked.

"The power to defeat me!" Maleficent laughed and somehow shook the cage Merida was in with her powers. Merida fell, unready for the sudden jolt and dropped her bow. She groped in the darkness, trying to find it.

"Silly Child." Maleficent reappeared with Merida's bow in her hands. 

"What are ye going to do?" Merida asked, eying the bow in Maleficent's grasp. Right now, Merida was at a horrible disadvantage.

Maleficent smirked. "I am going to rip your little group apart, piece by piece. I am going to show the world that the Big Four can and will be defeated. I-"

"So this is all for power." Merida said.

Maleficent stared at her.

"You will do anything to show the world that you are the all powerful villain, yet you call us power hungry. You know what Maleficent? We are power hungry! We want all the power we can get to defeat monsters like you! And, though you will do a lot of things to get what you want... we will do more!" Merida glared at Maleficent.

Maleficent glared back, but she was smiling. "I am the monster. But I will not be the only one!" She lifted her staff and whispered something into it. Merida watched and became mesmorized by the green light it produced. Her head ached and all of her will power drained out of her. She become one with the light. 

Maleficent spoke, "Now, my little pet, kill the one you call "Hiccup"." She opened the cage.

Merida walked out and grabbed her bow. "Yes, Mistress..."

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