Chapter 1

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With such cheer in the area, no one would have ever thought something bad would happen.  But, as all stories go, the good guys never get to rest long.

Out of the crowd came a defining sound. It sounded like something exploded, but there was no explosion. Everyone gasped, some screamed, frightened by the boom. Black smoke arose from the center of the horde. People tripped over each other, trying to get away from the black mass. A raven flew out, screeching at horrid pitches. The sky became dark until the sun no longer filtered through the smoke. Lightning flashed and hit the ground at sudden places. 

One strike just missed Jack's feet. He jumped up and hovered over the ground. A horrible laughter ran through the air. "Poor, simple children. Frightened so easily," the retched voice of a woman echoed through the sky. Yet, no one could see who it belonged to.

"Show yourself!" Rapunzel yelled.

"Oh. Well, dear, I hope you won't be too afraid." She laughed again and a large form could be slightly seen through the smoke as it grew larger, and larger. The smoke rose into the sky so the ground could be seen. Slowly, the beast was showing itself. I gigantic dragon stood before them. The creature laughed, "Then again, you already are."

Rapunzel gasped. Jack's and Merida's eyes widened.

"H-H-Hiccup," Merida gasped  "y-yer good with d-dragons," She said, unusually un-brave at the moment.

"That.. is beyond a dragon," Hiccup said, heavily breathing.

The dragon snapped at the four, barely missing their noses. They jumped back. Merida drew her bow and pointed an arrow at the beast. "What. Do. Ye. Want?" She asked the monster, gaining her confidence back.

"What do I want? Vengeance. You, little girl, and your friends have taken something from me."

Merida, Hiccup, and Jack all looked at Rapunzel. "Hey! It's not me! At least, I don't think it is." Rapunzel said.

The beast cackled, "I do not want the girl, or any of you."

The four looked at each other.

"What I want, is..."

Merida shot an arrow. Jack lunged forward, his staff aimed at the dragon and ice racing for the thing. Hiccup whistled for Toothless, who instantly came swooping in. Hiccup jumped onto his back and rode up into the sky, ready to strike. Rapunzel grabbed her hair, ready for anything.

The arrow hit the beast in the arm, but bounced right off of the tough scales. Ice started forming at the dragon's belly, but it quickly fell away. Toothless fired. The monster moved it's neck out of the way, moments before the shot would have hit.

The horrible laugh returned. Then the dragon spit fire on the ground all around Merida and Rapunzel, who were the only ones not in the air. "You didn't let me finish. I want all of you to bow down to me. That is all. For you have taken power out of me. The power to control-"

"NEVER!" Merida's cry was heard by all.

"Very well. If you will not bow. I will have to compromise." The beast sprayed fire so close to Merida and Rapunzel that they would touch it if they moved at all.  The thing swatted at Jack until he fell down closer than he wanted to be with the fire. The dragon did the same at Toothless and Hiccup. It managed to hit them till they spun, but not to the ground.

"This will not be the last you see of me! The Mistress of All Evil!" The smoke rushed at the giant and it dissapeared, leaving nothing but the fallen heros and the fire paved ground behind. The sun shone once again. But it was anything but welcoming.

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