Chapter 8

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Hiccup: "Where are they!?" he said quietly to himself. He was getting aggrivated now.

Toothless screeched as a kind of yell, trying to find the other three too.

"Come on, Toothless. Maybe we can find them on the ground."

Toothless dived down.


Rapunzel: "Jack.."

Jack: "Stay calm."

Merida: "Look thar!"

A green light appeared in front of them.

Merida: "A whisp?" Merida asked herself, confused.

Jack: "No! Stay back!" He gave the sword to Merida and aimed his staff at the light, but it started moving away towards the end of the tunnel.

Rapunzel: "Do you suppose we should follow?"

Jack: "Well, I don't think we have any other options. Stay close to me."

Merida: "We're not babies!"

Jack: "Just, stay behind me. I'm the only one who's immortal here."

Merida rolled her eyes, this was not news to her.

The tunnel opened up into a big dining room. But everything was made of dark gray stone. The green light turned into a skinny diamond of light that grew till it was the size of a person, then turned into... Maleficent.

"Welcome, my children." The faery grinned, but it was far from welcoming. The three took their fighting stances, ready for whatever was going to happen.

"Relax, darlings. I'm not here to fight. I'm here to... negotiate." The evil grin stayed on her lips.

The four could feel the evil in the room. They stood their ground. 

"Alright... here's my proposition: Hand over the sword, and I'll set your precious little dragon boy free." She moved aside to show them a beaten boy in a green shirt lying limply on the ground.

"Hiccup!" Merida and Rapunzel yelled at the same time.

"Do we have a deal?"

"You witch!" Merida yelled at her, she aimed her bow at Maleficent and shot her last arrow.

Maleficent caught it in her bare hand before it reached her heart.

"Wrong move, deary!" She turned around and looked like she was going to crush the limp figure behind her.

"Nooo!" This time, all three of them yelled.

"No? Then drop the staff and the bow."

They were hesitant, but soon their weapons clattered to the ground.

"Now.. The sword.. Hand it over."

Merida charged at her, the blade facing Maleficent. Maleficent dissapeared, which left Merida unready just for a moment. In that moment, something picked her up by the foot and lifted her up into the air. It was then she was unable to hold her grasp. The sword fell.

Jack had grabbed his staff again and swooped to the sword, beating Maleficent to it. "Stop!" He yelled at her. 

Merida fell, but got up quickly, though it clearly hurt a little. 

This whole time, Rapunzel ran to Hiccup, but the moment she touched him, he dissapeared. "Wha-"

Jack charged. The sword and himself went right through Maleficent. "What?" He asked himself in disbelief.

The real Maleficent stepped out of the corner. "Oh, this really was fun. But I really must go. I have.. plans to keep." She laughed evilly and dissapeared in a puff of black smoke.

Rapunzel: "Let's get out of here!"

Merida: "I'm wit' the blondie."

Jack nodded.

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