Chapter Twenty-Four

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Annie POV



"What if we had a girl? Any names you like?"

I looked up at Jacob, he was setting up our desk. I was giving Bridget her bottle.

"Besides the name Annabelle? Ok, Jane or Jamie."

"What about a boy?"

He laughed.

"Shane or Thomas."

I smiled as I kept my eyes on Bridget, sitting her up slightly to check how much she has drunk.

"I like Thomas."

Jacob was still putting the desk together, a beautiful dark timber desk. He also had shelves to put up, but not yet.

"Where would you like to raise them."

He asked me, I looked up at him.

"I guess I like the feel of being out in the country, the city's a bit dangerous for a young child. Not many opportunities to wonder around."

"Would you like to raise them here?"

I looked up at him as I stood up.

"Would we be able to?"

I laid Bridget down on our bed now, while I put her in her sleeping bag.

"I would talk to dad, but I don't see why not."

I kissed Bridget on the head then walked over to Jacob.

"Say, nye nye Bridget."

Jacob smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Then I walked to put her in bed.

"When do you want to start trying?"

That took me a bit by surprise. My head rushed a bit, weren't we only seventeen?!

"Well, I guess I want to finish school first. We are only in year ten. What about you?"

I lifted the guard up on Bridget's cot as he answered.

"Sounds good, I mean you don't want to have kids to early. They are a handful."

I walked over to where Bridget's bottle was.

"Very true. I'll be back. I've got to rinse this."

"Ok don't take too long."

Jacob said as he placed a kiss on my head.

"I won't."

I walked out the door, closing it quietly behind me. Then shuffled down the stairs.

"Afternoon pa."

I said as I walked into the kitchen. He smiled at me as he looked up from his newspaper.

"Hello Annie. What are you doing?"

"Rinsing out Bridget's bottle. Jacob's putting together the desk."

I put the bottle on the side of the sink.

"Ok that's good."

I walked over to the fridge and got out two cold cokes.

"Want a can?"

I asked pa before I closed the door.

"No thanks, Annie."

I smiled at him, as I shut the fridge door.

"Better get back up there, see ya."

"Bye Annie."

I walked back up the stairs, careful not to shake the cans too much.



Jacob POV



I promised her a later, but what could I give her that I already hadn't? Like treating her with sex was going to please her all the time. Well, to be honest it looks like she enjoys it, but can't you like grow out of sex? Nah! Just every now and then you need other things too I guess. To build a good relationship.

"Hey, want a drink?"

Annie walked through the door holding to cans of coke, I looked up at her from putting the desk together.

"Sure, thanks."

She looked up at my face as she handed me the can. She grabbed my face with one hand.

"Are you feeling alright, you look dazed?"

I smiled at her.

"No, I'm fine. Just can't get you out of my head."

It was true, I couldn't. I mean how stupid was I? I asked her when she wanted to start trying! She's seventeen, I mean we both are. But how stupid of a question.

"Your sweet aren't you?"

I could tell it was more of a statement then a question. I bent my head down and pecked at her luscious lips. Tasted like raspberries and strawberries. Hmm.

I pulled away and looked at her, she shifted and took a sip of her coke then put it up on the dressing table.

"So, what's our plans for tonight?"

I looked up at her. Oh right, I promised her a 'later', crap.

"Secrets, I will show you later."

She laughed at me, and walked over to the bed laying herself down.

"Evil, but ok. The waiting is just temptation. You know that right?"

I smiled at her. Boy, I knew how that felt.

"Sure do know it."

I continued to put the desk together, the quicker I finished it. The quicker I could plan something.

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