Chapter Twenty-Three

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Annie POV



Surprisingly enough I wasn't as upset when I went through my belongings with Jacob. Like I know there's no reason to be upset, but they were really valuable belongings.

May still wants me to go to the doctors and get a check up to see if I'm pregnant. What if I am pregnant though? I mean, we used protection but what if it broke. That can happen right?

Anyway Jacob went to get Bridget, because Jacob's dad and May have been a bit snappy lately. Probably all because of me, but you know. I think there's more too it. Jacob doesn't think they can take care of Bridget properly right now. So me and Jacob will.

Which is funny cause it makes me think about parenting. What if me and Jacob had a child of our own?

Damn these thoughts they are doing me no good.

At the moment I'm folding and putting away me and Jacob's clothes. He washed them and put them out to dry. I took them in and I'm putting them away.

"Are you planning on her sleeping in here?"

I asked Jacob as he walked in holding Bridget. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Can't handle young children crying during the night?....... I'm not sure to be honest."

I smiled at him and put the basket near the door. I walked over and picked Bridget up out of his arms. As I was turning my back Jacob grabbed me turning me around and kissed me. Deep and passionate.

"Maybe one day, we could have our own."

"As long as it belongs to you and me."

I said and placed a kiss on his lips. I walked over to the bed and sat Bridget on it. I watched her as she laid her self down near the pillows and curled up, about to go to sleep.

"If only they went to sleep this easily."

I laughed at that comment.

"Yeah, the first few years shall be fun."



Jacob POV



Annie ended up falling asleep next to Bridget on our bed. I decided this was the right time to move Bridget's cot in here. I didn't believe it was safe right now for her to be in her own room, where as if she's in the room with us we can lock the door and all be together.

Maybe I was over exaggerating, but me and Annie were happy to take care of Bridget. I mean what if we had our own kids one day. Better get used to it now.

I was moving the bed into our room, as I walked up to our door I looked over the railing and say mum and dad arguing again. Well mainly mum, dad didn't want to argue with her she was just so aggressive at the moment.

"Your making a mistake!"

"Please, lower your voice the kids don't need to hear."

"I don't care. This is wrong!"

I don't know what they were carrying on about but I'm sure it was some bullshit. I continued to walk into the room pulling the cot with me, I put it over by the wall and put up a drape between the cot and the view of our bed.

You know for Bridget's sake.

"There we go, done."

I said as I looked at it, I went into Bridget's room and got some other things we would need for her.

"What a great dad you are."

Annie said as I walked through the door. I smiled at her.

"Hello, beautiful. Aren't you a perfect mum, going to sleep with her."

She looked down at Bridget then kissed her on the head, then slipped out of bed and came to me taking some of the things I was holding.

"How long was I asleep?"

"About an hour, did you enjoy it?"

I asked as I put my stuff down, her hands were empty already.

"Not as much as I would if it were with you."

I kissed her then, slow passionate and moody.

"Wait till later."

I smiled at her, she rested her head on my chest.

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