Chapter Two

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Annie POV



I was in no condition to move from the mans arms or even speak. So I just laid there. I opened my eyes to find that mum and Jasmine were gone with the ambulance. Yet I was still here in this mans arms.

Who is he?

Why won't he let go of me?


I opened my eyes and looked around. He looked down at me.

"Hey, how you feeling?"

"I'm feeling alright."

He nodded at the police officer and headed off with me, and on his way picked up a bag from next to the police car.

"Where are you taking me?"

He looked away from me.

"You can't stay here I'm taking you home with me, I have a son and little girl at home."

He placed me in the car. Then hopped into the front seat and drove off. My eyes drifted shut once again, but I wasn't asleep. I could here everything. Feel everything but see nothing.

The car pulled to a stop. He opened his door then he lifted me out.

"This is your new home."

We were on a farm, not a real farm but land with a nice house some horses and at the front of the house a boy, a hot looking boy. He had jeans on and a bare chest. He looked better as we got closer.

"Jacob this is Annabelle she will be living with us for a while. Annabelle this is Jacob my son, he is 17 just like you."

"Hi Jacob."

I said as I pulled my hair back from my eye and tucked it behind my ear.

"Annabelle you can stay out here with Jacob to get to know each other."

"So... Your names Annabelle?"

I looked at his chest then back at him.

"Yeah, but you can call me Annie."

He smiled and stood up.

"Ok Annie, come with me."

He said as he put his hand out for me to hold. Of coarse I grabbed his hand, and we slowly walked away over to the far paddock at the back of the house.

"Annie have you ever ridden a horse?"

I smiled...

"No Jacob I haven't, you?"

He laughed.

"Yep, I'll show you how to if you want."

"I'd love that."


The sun became to come down and me and Jacob had just put our horses away and headed for the house. When Jacob said.

"So why are you staying with us Annie?"

I slowed down.

"Because.... My house burnt down today and my sister and mother found this a great opertunity to get rid of me.."

I whiped a tear from my eye. Jacob hugged me.

"It's ok Annie, let's go come on..."

So we walked up to the house him comforting me on the way.

We got inside just as the sun had finished setting.

Time for dinner.

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