Chapter 18: Prom

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2 Months Later
Skylar's POV

I was chilling at home with Bella after school until Alice and Rose barged in making us get ready for prom. That's right, they're actually making us go. Bella has been getting better, she just needs to wear her cast for a few more weeks but other than that, everything had been good.

When Alice came to kidnap Bella and Rose came to kidnap me, Dad was amused until Edward and Emmett showed up.

Now there's another story. Dad really likes Emmett since from what dad knows, he tried to help me convince Bella to come back home.

As for Edward, not so much. Dad hates him more than I can imagine anyone hating anyone. But he sucks it up for Bella's sake knowing he can't do anything about it. Not without worrying she'll leave again.

Anyways, back to Rose kidnapping me. She went through my closet and grabbed the dress I bought when I went out with Angela and Jessica that night in Port Angeles. Other than my dress and shoes, Rose did my hair and make-up. By the time she was finished the boys arrived and she left to go get ready herself.

Emmett and Edward, mostly Edward, was stuck awkwardly in a room with Charlie as I helped Bella into her dress after putting on my own without ruining Rose's "masterpiece" as she calls it.

(Skylar's Dress, Hair, and Makeup ⬆️)

Once we were dressed I helped Bella downstairs so she wouldn't fall and the boys met us at the bottom of the stairs.

"Alice lent me the dress." Bella muttered uncomfortably. "The cast is......"

"You're perfect." Edward complimented causing Charlie to roll his eyes.

"My lady." Emmett smiled putting a corsage on my wrist then offered my his arm. I blushed and took it as he gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"We'll take care of them Chief Swan." Edward promised.

"Uh-huh. I've heard that before." Charlie frowned glaring at Edward.

We all took this as our que to leave.

At Prom

"We're gonna go park the cars. Stay with your sister?" Emmett said kissing me cheek then left with Edward as Bella and I sat on a bench.

"Bella, Sky." A familiar voice said causing us to turn around.

"Jake!" I smiled.

"Hey." Bella nodded.

"You girls look nice." Jacob complimented.

"Thanks you too." Bella said.

"Are you crashing the prom little cuz? Did you bring a date?" I asked.

"No, uh." Jake sighed coming to sit next to us. "My dad paid me to come talk to you guys. $20."

"Let's hear it." Bella agreed.

"Just don't get mad, okay?" Jake asked. "He wants you to break up with your boyfriends. It's just, he said, quote, we'll be watching you."

"Well tell him thanks." I chuckled. "And to pay up."

I saw Emmett and Edward walking over so I stood up, and Bella followed me lead.

"Here, let me help you." Jake offered.

"Jacob." Edward frowned wrapping his arms around Bella as Emmett did the same with me. "We'll take it from here."

"Guess I'll see you girls around." Jake said looking at us then glared at Emmett and Edward before leaving.

"We leave you two alone, and the wolves descend." Emmett jokes as we walked towards the enterance, causing us to chuckle.

Once we stopped through the photo booth we split up from Edward and Bella then met up with Rosalie, Connor, Alice, and Jasper.

After a while they slowed it down and everyone was waltzing.

"I never got a chance to thank you." I whispered in Emmett's ear.

"For?" Emmett asked.

"Saving me. Sucking the venom out." I clarified. "But, why didn't you let me turn?"

"I didn't want to take your choices away. Plus I doubt you would want to become a vampire considering your a witch." Emmett muttered.

"I appreciate that. And if it came down between you and giving up my powers some point in my life. It's always be you." I stated. "Maybe that's why Alice saw Bella and I like you."

"Maybe. But let's not worry about that now." Emmett soothed.

"Your right. We have a lot of time before we start thinking about that." I agreed causing him to capture my lips with his.

And the rest of the night was all I could ask for. To be with my friends/family, and Emmett having the time of our lives. Forgetting about that dangers that will soon come ahead.

 Forgetting about that dangers that will soon come ahead

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