Chapter 5: Leaving for Pheonix

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The Next Day
At The Airport

"Plane 254 to Phoenix, Arizona leaves in 5 minutes. Repeat. Plane 254 to Phoenix, Arizona leaves in 5 minutes"

"That's me." I sighed standing up from where we were sitting.

"Alright, be safe." Prue sighed giving me a hug.

"You guys too. And if you need help, don't be shy to come and get me." I said.

"Say hi to Aunt Renee, Bella, Uncle Charlie, Uncle Billy, and Jacob for me. And tell them I miss them. And don't be to reckless in Forks." Phoebe sighed giving me a hug as well.

"Will do Phoebe's." I nodded hugging her back. "But I don't know about the last part. You know how persuasive the boys on the Rez are."

"Don't do anything stupid, please. I don't wanna have to find out that Leo had to pop in and heal you because you hurt yourself too much." Piper said pulling me into a hug.

"Okay, mom." I teased hugging her back before turning to Leo who looked the saddest of them all.

"Oh, don't cry, your gonna make me cry." I laughed sadly, giving him a big hug.

"I'm sorry." Leo chuckled. "Just stay safe. Look out for yourself and your sister. I can't help this feeling that something bad is gonna happen sooner or later. So please, check in, or I'll have to orb in and give you that lecture."

"I promise." I nodded then pulled away. "I gotta go now. I love you guys."

"We love you to." Prue smiled. I gave them a little wave then made my way into the plane.

Once I was in my seat I sighed looking outside sadly, then felt a presence next to me.

I looked over, shocked seeing Leo.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"You didn't really think I'd let you travel alone, did you?" Leo asked causing me to laugh.

"Your the best." I smiled.

"I know." Leo smiled as we both laughed.

"If everyone would please buckle up. The plane is ready for take off. Again. If everyone would please buckle up. The plane is ready for take off. Thank you."

And with that we left for Pheonix.

2 Hours Later
Phoenix, Arizona

I was finally getting off the plane with Leo and he walked me around the airport to find Renee, Phil, and Bella.

"So, do I get to meet your family that the girls keep talking about?" Leo asked.

"Of course." I smiled.

"Sky!" I heard someone tell my name across the airport. That's when I saw my best friend!!!

"Bella!" I yelled back as we ran to each other and hugged each other tightly.

"I missed ya little sis." Bella said.

"Me too Bells." I smiled pulling away.

"There's my baby!" Renee smiled pulling me into a tight hug. "I missed you!"

"Mom, I was only gone three weeks." I chuckled pulling away.

"Three weeks too many, without any calls!" Renee stated.

"I know I'm sorry. I was just busy." I sighed.

"Hey kiddo." Phil smiled pulling me into a side hug.

"Who's this?" Renee said looking from me to Leo. "Is this one why you were so busy?"

"No!" Me and Leo said at the same time. Making us both laugh.

"Mom, Phil, Bells. This is Leo. Piper's boyfriend. We're best friends. He's like my older brother. And he didn't want me traveling alone. Leo this is my sister Bella, adoptive mom Renee, and adoptive step-dad Phil." I explained introducing everyone.

"Awe, that's sweet. Thanks for taking care of her, Leo." Renee smiled.

"Well I better go. I need to book a flight back to San Francisco. It was nice meeting you all." Leo smiled then turned to me giving me a big hug. "Please, be safe. Like I said, look out for yourself and family in Forks, I still have this bad feeling." Leo said the last part in a whisper.

"Will do big bro, I'm gonna miss you." I sighed pulling away.

"I'll miss you too." Leo said kissing my forehead and left towards the bathroom with one final wave, knowing he's gonna orb back.

"Too bad Piper got him first. You two would have been cute together." Renee said.

"Mooom!" I complained causing the three to laugh.

"I'm kidding, I'm kidding." Renee said as we all laughed.

So that night we spent together as a family spending as much time together as possible, before Bella and I had to pack the rest of our stuff to move to Forks. I also had to make sure my bike and car would be transferred to Forks on the plane with us. And I was all good to go for tomorrow.

Once I finished I decided to Skype Jacob.

"Sky! Hey!" Jacob shouted with a big smile then I heard yelling come through the hall as all the boys crunched in Jacob's trying to talk to me.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" I yelled getting they're attention, making them all quiet. "Now, that's better. I've got some news!"

"You're coming to Forks!" Seth cheered.

"Yeah..... How did you know?" I asked.

"Billy, Charlie, and Harry wouldn't shut up about it!" Sam smiled.

"Of course." I laughed.

"Oh, Jake. Phoebe and the rest of the girls say hi and they miss you." I said as his smile widened, if that's even possible.

"Next time you talk to them tell 'em I miss them too, so does dad. We haven't seen them in what? 4 years?" Jake nodded.

"So when are you coming back?" Paul asked.

"I'm leaving tomorrow morning at noon, that gives me a 3 and a half hour plane ride to Seattle, then about an hour and a half drive down to Forks, so I'll be there by 5 o'clock-ish." I informed.

"Great!!! Make sure to come down to the Rez sooner or later!" Embry said.

"Perferably sooner than later." Jared added.

"Alright, well I gotta go now. I wanna get as much sleep as I can. Night guys!" I smiled.

"Night! Bye Sky!" They all smiled before I ended the call.

I sighed, packing my laptop and charger in my bag, then headed to bed.

His Mate (An Emmett Cullen/ Twilight Fan Fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt