Chapter 4: Back From The Dead

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Skylar's POV

"No! God Damn It!" I cussed punching a couple holes through the wall.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Prue said grabbing me pulling and pulled me and Piper into her embrace trying to comfort us. "It'll be okay. We'll find a way to save him. We Always do."

Third Person's POV

While Prue was comforting Piper and Skylar upstate, Phoebe was chasing after Daisy who ran off downstairs.

"I don't think it's the best time for you to be alone." Phoebe warned her.

"Without Leo it's just a matter of time before Alec (A/N: The Dark Lighter) finds me again. I have to get away." Daisy stated.

"No, my sisters and I can take care of Alec." Phoebe tried reassuring her.

"I don't want you to try. Too many people are dead now because of me and now Leo." Daisy frowned.

"Honey, that's not your fault."

"It doesn't matter. When Alex finds me again he's not gonna let you get in the way either. It's better off that I leave. Trust me. I have to go." Daisy argued.

Skylar's POV

I went downstairs after Daisy and Phoebe and heard what Daisy said about leaving.

"Don't you dare! Leo gave up his life to bring you here! If you leave, Alec will find you for sure! And Leo's death will mean nothing!" I snapped going back upstairs to my brother. "You're not going anywhere!"


I was sitting next to Leo on the floor while Piper observed from leaning on the wall when Phoebe came back up.

"I thought you guys would like to talk." Phoebe said to us.

"Maybe if I just stayed I could have helped him. Or he could have just fought harder." I sighed sadly.

"Sky, if you weren't with us Daisy wouldn't be here, safe. And Leo's death wouldn't have meant anything, like you said." Phoebe said sadly. "Plus he was in pain, he had to let go."

"He didn't have to, our magic never has failed before. I cast the spell, I switched our powers, all he had to do was show me how to do it and he never did." Piper frowned.

"How can you be mad at him?" Phoebe asked us.

"Because it didn't work and I wasn't here to help!" I cried.

"She's right. It should have worked. Prue was having premonitions, and you figured out how to use her power, why couldn't I find a trigger? Why couldn't he just help me? Give me his power?" Piper questioned.

"He wanted to live, he didn't want to leave you two here. It's hard to loose someone you love." Phoebe said softly.

"I love you big brother." I cried as Piper came to sit next to me.

"I love you, Leo." Piper cried as a tear drop lands on her hands and they start to glow. "I found it! Leo I love you!" Piper said ecstatic, holding her hands over Leo and heals him.

"Leo! Come on big brother! Wake up!" I said sitting up on my knees instantly.

"Can you hear us? We love you, Leo, please hear us!" Piper said as she finished healing us.

"Piper? Sky?" Leo asks sitting up.

"Oh thank God!" I smiled as he pulled us into a hug.

"I tried so hard but I couldn't make it work before. Why didn't you tell me?" Piper asked.

"That love was the trigger? You had to find that out on your own. Why couldn't you tell me?" Leo asked Piper, pulling away.

"I don't know. I was afraid, I was afraid to tell you what I really felt that it would hurt more if I lost you." Piper explained. "I'm so sorry. I should have said it before."

"It's better than never." Leo laughed.

"Come on, let's head downstairs." I said as Piper and I helped him on the way down.

"Leo, oh my God. How did you......" Phoebe trailed off.

"There's no time to explain Phoeb's." I sighed.

"You've been out of the cloak too long. Alec can find her." Leo stated.

"Where's Prue? We need to get her back here and we need to find a spell to vanquish the Dark Lighter." Piper said.

"A power of three spell, or four to be more safe." Leo suggested.

"Okay, I think she has her cell on." Phoebe said as the Dark Lighter appeared.

"No!" Phoebe panicked trying to use Prue's power but ends up shattering the light.

But before we could do anything he grabbed Piper and I. "Alright no more tricks ladies."

"Let them go, Alec!" Leo demands.

"I don't think so, I have what you love. Care to trade?" Alec smirked.

Phoebe puts her hand up but Alec puts up his touch of death. "I would do that." He warned. "I will kill them if I have to. You still think I'm incapable of love, Leo? You wanna see how far I'm willing to go?"

"Alec, No!" Daisy demands.

"Daisy, stay back!" Piper warns.

"You shut up!" Alec warned.

But once Prue opens the door Alec throws Piper to Phoebe and me onto against the wall causing be to get a headache before grabbing Daisy.

"No!" Leo shouts making my headache worse.

"Phoebe stop him!" Prue stated but he disappeares with Daisy before we could do anything.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

"Ow! Mother Fucker!" I hissed as Prue finished cleaning the small wound on my head while Leo taught Piper how to try and find Daisy.

"I can't do it!" Piper said frustrated.

"Yes, you can." Leo encouraged. "You have everyone of my powers, including the power to find Daisy."

"Leo, wouldn't it be faster if you guys just switched your powers back?" I suggested.

"No, I'm still too weak. It's up to Piper." Leo said turning back to her. "Trust me, Piper. Okay, look deep inside yourself, peace, place where you find love."

"Right," Piper said. "I can hear her."

"Listen to her, let her tell you where she is." Leo instructed.

"She's screaming, she's afraid, he's pushing her past some tree's." Piper described.

"Can you recognize the place? Can you tell where they're at?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, Hero's Grove, Golden Gate Park." Piper said.

"Let's go." Prue stated.

"What about Leo?" I asked.

"I'm fine. Go save Daisy." Leo assured.

"Piper, Sky, we really need the power of four for this one." Phoebe stated.

"Actually, I don't think we do. Piper, Sky, you stay with Leo. You guys would become a target to the Dark Lighter anyways." Phoebe said before turning to Prue. "You and I will go. You drive, I'll talk."

And with that they left us.


When they finally came back Phoebe and Prue successfully defeated the Dark Lighter, and everything went back to normal for now. After a farewell dinner I had gone upstairs and had started packing. Saying one final goodbye to my 2nd home.

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