Chapter 2: Moving and Killer Boyfriend?

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Skylar's POV
At The Hospital

Once I got to the hospital I went straight to the front desk. "Hey, I'm looking for my sister, Phoebe Halliwell. She was admitted earlier."

"Down the hall to the right." The nurse informed.

"Thanks." I said before rushing down the hall.

"Phoebe! Thank God your okay!" I said hugging her lightly as she wore a bandage around her right arm, while Prue stood next to her.

"I'm fine. But all of us need to talk." Phoebe said looking between Prue and I.

"Okay." We nodded.

Quake Night Club

We were sitting down at the bar as Phoebe explained everything to us.

"The Chosen Ones? The Charmed Ones? Phoebe this is insane." Prue says as the bartender sets our drinks in front of us.

"Are you telling me nothing strange happened to you today? You didn't freeze time or move anything? Either of you?" Phoebe asked.

"I don't know about you Prue, but today I fell out of the big tree in the back yard but instead of  lading on the ground I was levitating. Then when I rushed through the house I accidentally knocked over Piper's vase and I froze it in mid-air, but when it unfroze it shattered and I fixed it with magic and it levitated back onto the table. It was crazy." I explained.

"The only thing that happened to me today was that Roger took an exhibit away from me. Look, Phoebe, you may think you can see the future, which is ironic. And Sky are you sure you were levitating? Maybe it was the adrenaline from falling. And the vase might haven't shattered and you just put it back" Prue said.

"Since you don't think we have any powers, that-that my vision of life's is-is cloudy compared to your perfect hell. Even if you don't want to believe us, can't you  just trust us?" Phoebe pleaded.

"I don't have any special powers." Prue said as the cream across the table moved towards her.

"Really?" I asked as the cream fills her cup of coffee by itself. "Looks pretty special to me."

"Oh my God. It just-I-I can move things with my mind?" Prue said shocked.

"With how much you hold inside. You should be a lethal weapon by now." Phoebe teased.

"I don't believe it. But it's true." Prue said astonished.

"This must mean Piper might be able to freeze time." I said as Prue took a shot of tequila and downed it. "Are you okay?"

"No, I'm not okay! You turned me into a witch!" Prue panicked.

"You were born one. We all were. Even Sky. So I think we all better start to deal with it." Phoebe stated.


Once we left Quake we started walking down the street on the sidewalk.

"When I was looking through the Book of Shadows, I saw these woodcarvings. They looked like something out of a bosch painting. All these terrifying images of these three or four women battling different incarnations of evil." Phoebe informed.

"Evil fighting evil. That's a twist." I stated.

"Actually, a true witch is a good witch. They follow this wiccan lead. 'An it harm none, do what ye will'. If a witch violates this oath, they become known as a warlock, regardless of their gender. A warlock has but on goal: to kill witches and obtain their power. Unfortunately, they look like regular people. They could be anyone, anywhere." Phoebe added.

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