Chapter 1: Witches?

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Skylar's POV

It's been about a week since I arrived here in San Francisco, visiting my 2 out of 3 favorite Halliwell sister's.

Anyways, Piper and I just got back from a very loooong day running errands in the pouring rain, which I don't mind since it reminds me of all my friends and family in Forks.

"Prue?" Piper called out as we took our coats off.

"In here," Prue called out with a sigh as we walked into the dining room. "Working on the chandelier."

"Sorry we're late." I apologized giving Prue a hug before turning to Piper.

"Sky, I get, because you're still getting familiar to San Francisco. But Piper? What else is new?" Prue frowned turning to her little sister. "You know, I would have been here myself to meet the election, but you know I can't leave the museum until 6. I haven't even had time to change."

"I just........ I didn't realize how long we were in Chinatown." Piper apologized.

"Correction. How you were in Chinatown dragging me against my will." I joked playfully, getting a small chuckle from Prue.

"Anyways," Piper said looking from me to Prue. "Did Jeremy call?"

"No, but he had a package and some roses delivered. They're over on the table." Prue said getting the ladder while Piper and I set down the bags and checked out the package.

"What were you doing in Chinatown? I thought you had an interview at a restaurant in North Beach that Sky was helping you with." Prue said walking in.

"I did but we had to go to Young Lee market after my interview to get the ingredients for my audition recipe tomorrow." Piper replied.

"So the wolfgang-puck knock-off didn't hire you today?" Prue asked as I took out the bottle of port from the package which Piper snatched from me before I could get myself a glass.

"Rude." I pouted.

"No, but this might get me the job tomorrow. So it's off limits." Piper guestured holding up the bottle, saying the last part towards me.

"Jeremy sent you port?" Prue asked impressed.

"It's the ultimate ingredient for my recipe." Piper added.

"What a nice boy friend." I smiled.

"Mm-hmm." Piper hummed then walked towards the table in the living room. "I don't believe it. Tell me that's not our old spirit board." Piper said holding it up.

"Yeah, I found it in the basement when I was looking for the circuit tester." Prue informed.

" 'To my four beautiful girls, may this give you the light to find the shadows. May the power of three set you free, but the four help you more. Love Mom/Aunt Patty.' We never did figure out what this inscription meant." I said after reading it aloud, before Piper put it down.

"Well, we should send it to Phoebe. She's so in the dark, maybe a little light will help." Prue sneered.

"You're always so hard on her." Piper sighed taking the bag of ingredients into the kitchen as we followed.

"Guys, she has no vision, no sense of future." Prue argued. Her and Phoebe never really got along.

"I really think she's coming around." Piper tried to reason.

"Yeah, Phoebe might just need to find her way." I agreed.

"Yeah, well, as long as she doesn't come around here I guess we're good." Prue said as Piper and I gave each other knowing looks when the phone rang.

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