Chapter 39

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To help take Joyce's mind off of her looming responsibilities, Merek had planned a special day for the two of them. But he had said it was a surprise!

Joyce couldn't wait.

Merek had been so sweet to her after he had changed his mind about her. He wanted to make up for being so skeptical about her. Joyce was very grateful for that.

She heard a knock on her bedroom door. She went and opened it. Merek stood there smiling. 

"You ready?" He asked.

But then he had a confused look on his face.

He had told her the day before to wear something for physical activity. Joyce had been embarrassed to tell Merek about how her magic dress wouldn't allow her to change.

Joyce looked at the ground.

"So, my dress is magic, and I haven't been able to take it off since I woke up in the forest." She explained.

"Oh." He said with a look of understanding on his face.

"I'm sorry!" She said, "Will it ruin your plans?" 

"No," He replied, "It will just change them a little bit."

He gestured for her to follow him. They snaked their way through castle, through the garden, and to the stables.

Merek opened the stable doors and led Joyce into the barn.

"Horses?" She said.

"Yep! We're going horse riding today!" Merek said.

Joyce had never been horse riding. She was kind of scared, but then Merek said, "Don't worry, I'll help you."

Joyce nodded and Merek went to a stall and showed her a white Arabian horse. It's refined face was feminine and pretty. She was a beautiful horse!

"This is Lilly. She's one of my personal horses. We have about a hundred horses here. But she's one of my favorites." Merek said.

Joyce could tell that Merek was fond of Lilly. But also, Lilly seemed to love Merek too!

"She's beautiful!" Joyce complimented. 

"Thank you," He replied, "I got her when she was a baby. We've been the best of friends ever since." Merek smiled.

Merek opened the stall and guided Lilly out. Not only were her looks beautiful, but the way she moved was too. He tied her to a rail and began brushing her white coat. He got all the dust off and began to saddle her. The saddle was a sleek English style saddle. Joyce wasn't very familiar with the equestrian world, but she had only seen Western style saddles that cowboys use. This saddle was different than any that she had seen before. It was unusually large, and Joyce wasn't sure if that should be concerning or not. 

Merek looked up from saddling Lilly. "It's a double saddle," He said. "Both of us can ride in it at the same time."

Joyce nodded. 

"I thought since you're in your dress that it would be easier if I was in control of the reins." Merek said.

After Merek had finished saddling Lilly, he bridled her. The bridle was also sleek and English style. Merek gently tilted Lilly's head and she obediently opened her mouth and Merek softly slid the bit in her mouth. 

Lilly was such a nice horse! Joyce thought.

Merek led Lilly out of the barn. He turned toward Joyce and said, "May I help you up?"

Joyce was still a little scared, but she nodded.

Merek guided her to Lilly's left side and said, "Jump and I'll boost you up."

Joyce jumped and Merek lifted her up. Joyce awkwardly slid her right leg over onto Lilly's other side. Merek adjusted Joyce's skirts to flow over Lilly's tail, so they wouldn't get in the way while she walked.

"Thank you." Joyce said to Merek. He just smiled.

Merek jumped up in front of Joyce with ease and adjusted the reins in his hands.

"It might be a little bumpy at first," He said. "You might want to grab onto me for balance."

Joyce smiled. She couldn't help but think that Merek had sneakily planned this whole thing. 

But, she wrapped her arms around him snugly.

Merek nudged Lilly forward and she began to walk. When Lilly walked, her body tilted side to side. It was bumpy and Joyce was actually glad that Merek had suggested she hold onto him. He steered Lilly across the castle grounds.

Several minutes passed by and Joyce was enjoying the relaxing ride.

Merek leaned back and asked, "Do you want to try trotting?"

Joyce hesitated, because she was enjoying walking and wasn't sure about going faster. However, she said, "Okay, let's try it."

Merek nudged Lilly into a slow trot.

The trot was very bouncy and Joyce tightened her grip on Merek. They trotted for a few minutes and Joyce was having fun. Even though it was bouncy, it was kind of fun.     

"How about faster?" Merek asked smiling.

Joyce bit her lip, but Merek nudged Lilly into a canter.

Joyce was holding on for dear life to Merek!

She wasn't expecting Lilly to run!

Merek was laughing. His laugh was deep and rang out happily.

After a second or two, Joyce got her whits about her and got into Lilly's rhythm. Joyce's hips rolled with Lilly's movement. Stride, stride, stride Lilly's hooves went. Cantering was fun! The more Joyce experienced it, the more she loved it! She felt so free and happy. It felt like she was flying!

Merek glanced back at her and caught her eyes. They were both smiling. They were having a grand old time!


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